North Carolina

Mystery Bantams???
Name that Bantam!
Sick Bantams? :oops: Are they in quarantine? :fl
I was wondering the same thing. Hopefully it's just bad pictures, but that roo looks swollen eyed and puffy faced to me. But I'm paranoid about things, as we all know.
When we brought our bantam silkie faith in the house she was caught watching shark tank with us! She hopped right next to me on the stool and settled for the new episode!!!

hey just curious why r on the nc thread when ur profile says florida i dont care it just made me confused for a second when i posted something on the nc thread and then thought i was on the silkie thread lol
Alright my fellow North dear sweet boyfriend decided to sell 4 of my hens today. I cried hysterically for about an hour. And it still really tees my off. But he came back home with 3 small bantam whatever' of them has the worst smelling poo and my chickens are picking on just him alone. He will not eat or drink and kinda walks crooked. I have him separated in my kitty carrier away from the rest just in case he is sick. Does anyone know what the smelly poo is all about? Btw...I know where they came from and the people who had them prior did not take care of them... They fed them pretty much whatever and heir water was always filthy. Really tees me off even more. Please help.
Quote: No, they were sleeping on top of a recycled cover. The new quad is not finished, and the Silkies were sleeping under it. There is another picture of one of the males in a different post. I will try to get a picture of them walking around tomorrow, or perched somewhere (In a natural stance). They stay near this run, and go in it at night for lock down, but we were never sure what breed we had. I thought I would put a pic it up here, and we could try to figure it out.

I do have 3 birds in quarantine, but not these, they are healthy.

Quarantine: 2 are being treated for eye worm, and I think I have them on the mend, and one is just new, and not due to be introduced until the 29th. They are all being kept up by the house, and not down by the chicken runs, and houses. There is a good distance between the two areas. One of the two is the one that I had to look for last night with DS-1. They are doing well, but I like to keep them close, so I can keep the affected eye irrigated. It got real bad on the young roo-roo during all that hot wet weather, and he was hiding in the coop from DS-1. When I noticed he was hiding in the nesting box, I explained to him that this is not normal behavior, and one of the things to look for is just not normal behavior for the bird. I have one that nips at me when I pick it up, and if it does not, I told him that would be odd for that bird. I think he has a better understanding that what is not normal for any bird is all relative to that fowl's personality. so a learning experience for sure.

Back to the Bantams.... I was just not sure of the exact breed. Japanese? Old English? ? ? I posted the other pic of me holding one, because I thought they had beautiful coloring, lik the Black Sumatras, but they are clearly much smaller, and the male had a comb early, and crowed early. I am expecting for them to start nesting soon, and would like to know what I have. I can then look up more info on that breed, and be certain if they are as they should be, before they start breeding. Others may want them, and they are pretty cool, but I don't know what to call them.
Alright my fellow North dear sweet boyfriend decided to sell 4 of my hens today. I cried hysterically for about an hour. And it still really tees my off. But he came back home with 3 small bantam whatever' of them has the worst smelling poo and my chickens are picking on just him alone. He will not eat or drink and kinda walks crooked. I have him separated in my kitty carrier away from the rest just in case he is sick. Does anyone know what the smelly poo is all about? Btw...I know where they came from and the people who had them prior did not take care of them... They fed them pretty much whatever and heir water was always filthy. Really tees me off even more. Please help.
Quarantine all the new birds, well away from your other birds. Feed and water/ handle the new ones last for at least a month. Bad/ moldy feed can make them sick, so can eating the wrong thing along with just flat out being sick. Watch them closely and look for different/ odd looking eye pupils, runny nose, watery eyes, sneezing, check them for mites/ lice (or just dust them anyways to be sure) and worm them before they get outta qt and in with your old birds.

Hope the new ones aren't sick and that your old ones don't get it if the new ones are. Good luck and sorry about the ones that got sold.
(my DH knows not to even think of selling mine, he likes his life
This one in particular pupils are going crazy getting big and then shrinking seconds later. He's all puffed up. He's still alive but doesn't really so anything but sit there. ??? I wish I had my old babies back. :( livestock auction. :(
Quarantine all the new birds, well away from your other birds. Feed and water/ handle the new ones last for at least a month. Bad/ moldy feed can make them sick, so can eating the wrong thing along with just flat out being sick. Watch them closely and look for different/ odd looking eye pupils, runny nose, watery eyes, sneezing, check them for mites/ lice (or just dust them anyways to be sure) and worm them before they get outta qt and in with your old birds.

Hope the new ones aren't sick and that your old ones don't get it if the new ones are. Good luck and sorry about the ones that got sold.
(my DH knows not to even think of selling mine, he likes his life
OMG.......I about split a seam on that one

Good morning folks

I know that rain is promised for today but I hope
it holds off till late today. I need to mow........again

and the girls just KNOW they have been retired.......
even though they aren't.....or I'm hoping not.

hope everyone has a good day
This one in particular pupils are going crazy getting big and then shrinking seconds later. He's all puffed up. He's still alive but doesn't really so anything but sit there. ??? I wish I had my old babies back.
livestock auction.
you are being nicer about it than I would have been.
He would have come home to find some of his favorite
things sold and gone and his bags packed with an
invite to NEVER come home just don't
take other folks things and think it's okay.......jmho
Quarantine all the new birds, well away from your other birds. Feed and water/ handle the new ones last for at least a month. Bad/ moldy feed can make them sick, so can eating the wrong thing along with just flat out being sick. Watch them closely and look for different/ odd looking eye pupils, runny nose, watery eyes, sneezing, check them for mites/ lice (or just dust them anyways to be sure) and worm them before they get outta qt and in with your old birds.

Hope the new ones aren't sick and that your old ones don't get it if the new ones are. Good luck and sorry about the ones that got sold.
(my DH knows not to even think of selling mine, he likes his life
I would have to say that me and my "sweet boyfriend" would have to have a heart to heart.............been married 44 yrs and there have been very few of these situations along the way because we do have serious talks along the way. He fully understands what my chicks mean to me and would not touch them unless I ask him. I'm soo soo sorry this has happened. Yes keep them away from all the others until you know for sure.

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