North Carolina

I'd wash that babywipe residue off now, and refrigerate! The shells are porous. Once you've wiped the bloom off, it's a bacterial field day.

Yikes! Should I just wash it with a was cloth no soap? It's been out on the counter(in an egg carton since 2:30).

Not a huge thing, but I'd just wash it off in plain water, then pop in the fridge.

Just got our first egg!!! Silly question but do I wash it and put it in the fridge?

A lot of people will give you a lot of different answers on this, it depends on your preference.
Personally, all my eggs get brushed off and sit on the counter in a wire chicken shaped egg basket I have.
If you do wash them, you HAVE to put them in the fridge. Eggs are porous so when you wash them bacteria can go inside the shell and if you leave them sitting on the counter they can spoil a lot quicker.
If I get more than I can use in a week to maybe 10 days they go in the fridge, but my family goes through a lot of eggs.

Also, I usually write the number of the day (like today I would write 21) in pencil on the egg so I can make sure I'm eating them in order.
Side note, in Europe and some other countries eggs are sold on the shelves like bread in grocery stores, they aren't refrigerated at all
The thing with the 2 years comes from battery cages.

Most know how I feel about that. Birds striped of all nutrients, so humans can buy more for less. ... And people really wonder what is wrong with our economy. I hear people talk about purchasing responsibly, I had better stop there. I have one of the hens that was purchased about 4-5 years ago, and she is still laying! (It is hard to raise true free rangers because of predators. These birds have great personalities, and should not have to run over each other on a crowded warehouse floor (cage free), with ammonia burn in their eyes because they don't have proper ventilation.

Ok, I'll stop there, but yes chickens are smart, and they live in communities. It is not normal for them to stray too far from their little clicks, food, and safety of home. A typical backyard chicken can be much entertainment, yet provide us with some of the easiest to break down, lean, high protein that we can get so easy. They feed our gardens with broken down guano, and they eat the tomatoes, and greens that have fallen, or are bug bitten, and bruised. This is much better than it laying under the plants and attracting non-beneficial bugs.

Ok, done with my rant..... everyone have a wonderful evening, I have to run out and check nests for eggs
I want one day in winter with some flurries that's about it, that's why I moved South!!!

I'm not wishing snow on you :plbb I'm wishing snow on me i want another heavy snow winter like the first year I moved into mountains.(4 years ago now)

If I had the money I'd move to Maine or Alaska

I LOVE LOVE LOVE snow :love
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Eggs don't have to be refrigerated. We're the only country I know of that does, although I assume there is another one somewhere that I don't know about! Rule of thumb, though...don't wash if you keep them on the counter. Wash if they're going in the fridge.

Oh! And congratulations on the egg!

Okay, now I've got egg washing questions...I didn't wash my girls eggs. One had stuff on it, I brushed it off with paper towel. All of them have gone straight to fridge, more bc of my cat than worry about food safety. I ate a couple scrambled yesterday, no bad side effects other than immense pride!!

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