North Carolina

WOW!! You all talked a LOT the past few days while I was gone!! LOL...I haven't gone back to read and catch up, so please forgive me. Nap time only lasts SO long and I thought I would pop in and say HI!! I've missed you all!! Baby Girl #3 was born LATE on Thursday evening (11pm) after a very long stagnant labor. I was forced into an induction (I had been waterless for 18 hours and they feared infection from me being at the hospital for hours already) at 7pm (ish) and a few blurry hours later...we welcomed baby girl #3!! I will also we were doing our many laps around the hospital trying to get labor going...DH asks me (I KID YOU NOT), " long after this one do we want to wait until we start trying for the next one?"
I am thinking he's desperately hoping the NEXT ONE will be a boy...LOL

On a chicken note: we should have 12 new additions this weekend (if ALL eggs hatch) - they will be mutts, I honestly don't know WHAT my hubby stuck under them...but it's cute to watch the two broodies switch nests back and forth! Sometime in a few more weeks, we should (if all goes well) have some duck eggs hatching as well!!

WORST delivery EVER!!
You jinxed me...yeah, that's it!! HEHE

Because I know I missed stuff: WELCOME to all the new people...CONGRATULATIONS to those of you who had successful hatches and/or incubations!! I will hope that no one experienced any losses, so I won't even comment on that. So...for now...have a GREAT DAY everyone!!
So glad you and your little bundle are home and ok. Got to have been an ordeal at the time but its all soooo worth it. Take care and catch up between naps. If you want a to my posts on the thread of waiting for eggs (or something like that) and you will have a really good giggle. Take care
Hey everyone, just felt like I should say, YES!!!! MY AUNT IS LEAVING WITHIN THE NEXT MONTH!!!!!!!!!

I can't say how happy I am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyways... One of our Maran chicks just passed away yesterday
It never really got its feet under itself and wasn't doing real well from the beginning. The other three are thriving and doing great though!

Last weekend I got two pullets from Wildsriver and they are so cute!

We named the little Splash Orpington, "Splash". Haha go figure. We just kept calling her the splash or little splash, so it just kind of stuck. We haven't found a name for our little brahma though... We will though, eventually.
I've found out that they love blueberries, bread crumbs, and vanilla yogurt. It's so fun watching them try new little treats.

I feel so bad for my rooster though! He seems really depressed from the incident on Sunday. He's only crowed two or three times since Sunday. He absolutely refused to crow on Monday...

He seems so lonely, and whenever we let him out to roam he doesn't go even ten feet away from the Splash and Brahma's little "baby run" (as we call it). I can't wait to get our new hens from Hollow this weekend! I hope they will be able to cheer him up!
We are getting some RIRs and BOs.
We are also getting some Jersey Giants from someone in Greensboro. I CAN'T WAIT!!!

Also, we are trying to make a new coop eventually for them, so we can have their nesting boxes up off the ground and can be completely cut off from predators at night. Anyways I am terrible at drawing but I found a way around that and made a 3D model of what I want! I felt so proud of myself!

I turned this

into this

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"What day is it?!!!!!" hahaha I've got a trio of production reds that need a new home! And I think a quad of buff brahma bantams, not sure on the sex of them tho. If anyone is interested pm and I'll get some pictures out to you, just need the room back for other things going on! I'm finally getting a workshop!!!!!
Alright chicken lovers...we are planning on being outta here by the end of the month. Have some chickens to get rid of. If anyone's close to middlesex pm me and we'll try to get u some new chickens. I know u all will take care of them for me!
NH, Welcome back!!! Congratulations, I can't believe your DH has already asked about the next one! I think I would have looked for something to hit him with.

DST, you should be proud! That is some awesome work!

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