North Carolina

Let the flock out to range for the first time today. I've been trying to hold off until they are all fully grown, but the greens in their run is starting to look pretty sparse. Plus they were all crowded around my feet looking all pathetic at me when I went to close the run this morning. As you can see, it was a success even with the neighbor's dog hanging out.



Hey everyone. Haven't been on in a while. Been extremely busy! My two girls with the eye problem is getting better though! The Cochin's eye is completely better while the Marans still looks really bad, but the puss that had developed is going away. We have been flushing it with saline solution and getting a warm tea bag and kind of "soaking" their bad eyes with it (an old Russian melody that my dad taught me since he had chickens and everything in Ukraine). Anyways no respiratory issues have developed or anything... I mean like nothing... the only issue they have was the eye... I've been researching and figuring out a bunch of stuff and we have kind of decided that it is nothing that is contagious. One of our little bantam roos snuck into the pen that the two pullets were in (not the quarantine pen) when they first got the eye problem and he hasn't exhibited anything at all.... Like jack squat. Anyway we still aren't putting them back together til their eyes clear up completely.

Ugh my girls still aren't laying!!! I've kinda figured out that they are molting in different stages. It seems like as soon as one or two just have their head finish molting, one or two other girls' heads start to molt... ugh hopefully next year they all start molting at the same time.... considering we just got most of them this year and they are all near the same age but not from the same hatch of anything.

Anyways... could anyone help me figure out what this pullet is? She was one of the chicks I rescued this summer who had splay leg... now she's doing great and now I have no idea what she is... She was said to maybe be a White Rock but she's not.... I know that much

Hey everyone. Haven't been on in a while. Been extremely busy! My two girls with the eye problem is getting better though! The Cochin's eye is completely better while the Marans still looks really bad, but the puss that had developed is going away. We have been flushing it with saline solution and getting a warm tea bag and kind of "soaking" their bad eyes with it (an old Russian melody that my dad taught me since he had chickens and everything in Ukraine). Anyways no respiratory issues have developed or anything... I mean like nothing... the only issue they have was the eye... I've been researching and figuring out a bunch of stuff and we have kind of decided that it is nothing that is contagious. One of our little bantam roos snuck into the pen that the two pullets were in (not the quarantine pen) when they first got the eye problem and he hasn't exhibited anything at all.... Like jack squat. Anyway we still aren't putting them back together til their eyes clear up completely.

Ugh my girls still aren't laying!!! I've kinda figured out that they are molting in different stages. It seems like as soon as one or two just have their head finish molting, one or two other girls' heads start to molt... ugh hopefully next year they all start molting at the same time.... considering we just got most of them this year and they are all near the same age but not from the same hatch of anything.

Anyways... could anyone help me figure out what this pullet is? She was one of the chicks I rescued this summer who had splay leg... now she's doing great and now I have no idea what she is... She was said to maybe be a White Rock but she's not.... I know that much

She looks a lot like my Delawares fwiw. How old is she?
one way to know that the neighbor's dog wont be a problem with them

He's been coming by and hanging out all day every day after his owners go to work. The kids love him, but he sticks around even when we are all inside. He's even still there when my dogs are in too. He totally ignores the chickens when they are in the coop/run except to pee on the fenceposts of their run. His owners said they used to raise ducks and chickens "and stuff" so that's probably why he doesn't care. Pretty sure they could walk on his head and he'd just be happy for some contact. Poor thing is very attention hungry.

They were only out about 10 minutes the first time - and never strayed more than 5ft or so from the coop/run. Let them out again for about half an hour a bit ago and they ventured a little farther. Dogs still could have cared less about them. So far off to a good start. :) Still in no rush to let them range unsupervised though, and definitely prefer to do it without dogs around if at all possible.
Hey everyone. Haven't been on in a while. Been extremely busy! My two girls with the eye problem is getting better though! The Cochin's eye is completely better while the Marans still looks really bad, but the puss that had developed is going away. We have been flushing it with saline solution and getting a warm tea bag and kind of "soaking" their bad eyes with it (an old Russian melody that my dad taught me since he had chickens and everything in Ukraine). Anyways no respiratory issues have developed or anything... I mean like nothing... the only issue they have was the eye... I've been researching and figuring out a bunch of stuff and we have kind of decided that it is nothing that is contagious. One of our little bantam roos snuck into the pen that the two pullets were in (not the quarantine pen) when they first got the eye problem and he hasn't exhibited anything at all.... Like jack squat. Anyway we still aren't putting them back together til their eyes clear up completely.

Ugh my girls still aren't laying!!! I've kinda figured out that they are molting in different stages. It seems like as soon as one or two just have their head finish molting, one or two other girls' heads start to molt... ugh hopefully next year they all start molting at the same time.... considering we just got most of them this year and they are all near the same age but not from the same hatch of anything.

Anyways... could anyone help me figure out what this pullet is? She was one of the chicks I rescued this summer who had splay leg... now she's doing great and now I have no idea what she is... She was said to maybe be a White Rock but she's not.... I know that much

Looks like a delaware to me also

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