North Carolina

Thanks Lady... how are All of your chicks doing since the incident? Hopefully they are all back to normal.

Thanks for all the info. Went to SS today and got some wheat that is supposed to be untreated...haven't really looked yet still in van since went to Storytime afterward and nap time has hit. Will have to look later.

Gotta look for where else we can get some stuff...I will call around and if I find anything I will let everyone know.

Have a great weekend!

They're still pretty jumpy, but otherwise fine. Cleo is healing beautifully. I put her in the tub with the chicks for an hour or so today. I think she was as confused by them as they were by her. :p They all got along pretty well though. Soon as they move into a location with more headroom for her I think I'll keep her with them until either they're old enough to join the trio in the coop or she's feathered out a bunch more.

Yay for finding wheat at SS!
and nap time!! Wish mine still napped. Closest I've gotten to a naptime in ages is "big C" has had the flu the last couple days and spent the entire time on the couch. Think he only got off once to pee yesterday but other than that he spent almost 48hrs straight on the sofa sleeping and whining. Now I'm starting to get it I think. :/ Just in time for DH to leave for work for 3 1/2 days. I'm hoping that since the in-laws have gone home I can get "little C" to go back to napping now too.
Haha, I guess I'm just dense, because I'm still not getting the milk jug thing!

For those not opposed to eating store bought meat, I was in food lion getting milk & their turkeys are 47 cents a pound (limit 1). The big ones were still only like $8!

Someone mailed me eggs today from Florida. So I'm all excited to get the incubator back up and running :) Black Copper Marans & Olive Eggers
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Haha, I guess I'm just dense, because I'm still not getting the milk jug thing!

For those not opposed to eating store bought meat, I was in food lion getting milk & their turkeys are 47 cents a pound (limit 1).  The big ones were still only like $8!

Someone mailed me eggs today from Florida.  So I'm all excited to get the incubator back up and running :) Black Copper Marans & Olive Eggers

its okay, I'll go outside in the morning and take a picture of one of mine so you can see a better visual aid. :)
After pointing out to myself that my neighbors are useless in this type of stuff, and the feedstores just tell me they don't carry it...I googled "barley seed producers in NC" and found three. None are close, but could be a day trip now and then, if they'll sell retail and not just wholesale.

Why didn't I just think to google before?
Do you live near a Whole Foods? Perhaps they would have a pre-packaged or bulk barley grain. I know they sell whole wheat berries which can be sprouted.
Thank you everyone who answered my questions about possible mite infestation. All of it was really helpful!

Tonight when I went out to check and make sure everyone was inside and door down, I decided now would be a great time to seven dust everyone! So I cut the lights off and let everyone get settled and then I started sprinkling everyone. Hopefully this really is ok and I will not wake up to mass casualties.

The whelps on my arm are finally starting to go down. So it would be nice to get these little buggers.

On another awful note... I think I have a hen with an impacted or sour crop. Not sure what to do with her... any advice?

Thanks in advance for all the help.
YES!!!  I get it now!!! :thumbsup   Awesome idea...gonna use it!  Thanks!

Me too! I use the rubber black tubs with ping pong balls in it last year, helped some. This looks a whole lot easier and no more frozen fingers. :yesss:

Ping pong balls?

Do you live near a Whole Foods?  Perhaps they would have a pre-packaged or bulk barley grain.  I know they sell whole wheat berries which can be sprouted.  

Would be a great idea if we did. Nearest one I know of is about two hours. Same for Trader Joe.

you can call Jake Martin at 910 *484 3901 corn...barley...sorghum ...millet mix or individual plus he has peanut mix feed too...excellent source of protein and my birds LOVE it!

East Fayetteville location

Thanks! I'll be calling him!

Looks like we get another nice weekend. I'm planning on getting some outdoor chores done and letting the house go!

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