North Carolina

Oh my god Tia, Did you lose the pair I gave you? I may have a replacement pair for you if you need one. Let me know. I also have some sizzles hatching this week. Let me know if you need help looking. I have some time tomorrow morning, I could ride out and help you look. You should check with Brandon at animal control, people who find chickens sometimes report them to animal control or the humane society, you may even try the Outer Banks Wildilfe Shelter, sometimes people bring rabbits and chickens there. Let me know if you want me to put any eggs in the incubator for you.
hey what all colors of sizzles do u have and r they sq?
I'm new to BYC and I'm in Rowan county! I just joined today so I'm still having trouble navigating the site but while I figure it all out if anyone can view my brooder box post and share some words of wisdom it would highly appreciated. I know everyone says that but I really do mean it!

Oh yay I'm so glad to here that!!! You are now the closest BYCer that I've met thats within an hour from us! Everyone else just has to be 2 and a half to three hours away... WELCOME!

I'm your almost next door neighbor in Cabarrus County!! Right now the line to Mount Pleasant.

Tia- So Sorry to hear about your losses!!! I'm glad you managed to at least find those seven!!!

I'm still having issues with my maran pullet... Her eye still isn't showing any signs of progress. The cochin pullets eye has been completely fine for the last two weeks but there were a few bubbles that popped back up after we got a pretty heavy storm... great (back to the saline solution!). She seems to be doing just fine, but I don't know what to do with the maran pullet.... There is like a puss that has formed and hardened under her eye lids and won't come out.... I've been rinsing it with saline solution and soaking their eye with tea bags... (old russian method; IT HELPED THE COCHIN :) ) She's just not showing any sign of progress and I can't tell if she's in pain or not... Do some of you think I should just cull her to put her out of her misery?
Hello all! Happy thanksgiving. I am having a horrible one. Fed my youngest chicken last night 6 months old but very small. Was fine. This morning I go out out to him... He's in a small dog box at night to stay warm but he was limp and shivering. I think the cold got the best of my baby last night. He's not moving around. Got him wrapped in a warm blanket and some pine straw in the sun. :( doin the best I can here. My heat lamp is broken. What do y'all think?
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! We sure have had our ups and downs this year, but in the end we are surrounded by people we love and who also love us. We are richly blessed with health, hearth and home. Wishing everyone a very blessed and happy Thanksgiving!!!
DST try looking here Click here: Hugely Swollen Eye if the link doesnt work, write in the title on the byc search bar.
Thanks I will have to take a better look!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! We sure have had our ups and downs this year, but in the end we are surrounded by people we love and who also love us. We are richly blessed with health, hearth and home. Wishing everyone a very blessed and happy Thanksgiving!!!
Thanks for the advice with the herbs... parsley did the trick and now eggs are spewing out of all 8 of our big girls seem to be laying again!

Fireiceman... do you do any other kind of like actual fencing as well? We have another pasture that needs to be fenced in and I'm trying to find somebody who could do it... We are also wanting to start a garden haha but that one might need to wait for spring...

And happy thanksgiving everyone!!!!!
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I found my rooster so far. He was 3 miles away! Down the road. I went to go to my mothers and came across a white fluffy mass in a ditch. I stopped and he came running out like he knew it was me. I'm overjoyed and am now searching the neighbor hood for my others.
Tia, I am so sorry to hear you were hit by the tornado. I hope you find more of your chickens. 3 miles is a long way! Wow!

Hollow, I am just catching up on posts. So sorry about your chicks. Unfortunately the only advice I can offer is a necropsy of the deceased.... It bites when everything looks ok, until they start dying.

Welcome to all the new folks and a Happy Thanksgiving weekend to everyone!
My little guy died tonight. I think the cold got him bad. He was so small. :( I will surely miss my mr chicken. :( an the way he pecked my fingers and would talk to me every morning. :( good night everyone.

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