North Carolina

We do not provide heat lamps for fully feathered birds but we do provide
a shelter that will block the wind. If there are enough birds together they
will keep each other warm enough if they are out of the breeze. We also use
hay or straw in the coop on cold nights. The birds can nestle in and under it.
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Should I be worried about it getting to 14 degrees tonight?  I don't know what I could do for them anyway, I keep hearing heat lamps are more of a problem than a help...

They don't need it! I added extra bedding and they are set with scratch (scratch generates more hear during digestion compared to other grains). As long as their space is appropriately sized with good ventilation, they should be fine.

I keep reminding myself about the year we hit a cold snap of -14/-11 for a week. No supplemental anything and they were fine. I'd watch for comb issues and treat if need be.
hey everybody, Hope y'all are staying warm tonight. 5 degrees here with wind chill down at -9 I swear I don't remember moving to Alaska brrrrrrrrrr. Added more insulation to the coop, and broke down and added a heart lamp. lot of could its doing now as I type this the power keeps flickering on and off, brought all the dogs in and the barn cats and rabbits, can't believe this Arctic cold. Any way hope you all are doing well.
Good morning folks

It's ice cubeville here this lovely morning and although the
schools are on a 2 hour delay all the bus drivers still have to
come in at the regular time to try and get those behemoths
started and warmed up. I look at it as 2 hours of extra pay. It
is a smart idea on the transportation dept. part. It's going to
be one cold seat to warm up.

hope everyone has a warm and good day
Be careful, CSB. There's enough moisture from yesterday that there could be black ice out there.

And thanks for your offer yesterday, but I'll be dressing for it. :) And I'll come in and thaw myself out regularly, too!

Grandmas and new baby stuff compared to chicken math. I think you may be on to something!
Be careful, CSB. There's enough moisture from yesterday that there could be black ice out there.

And thanks for your offer yesterday, but I'll be dressing for it.
And I'll come in and thaw myself out regularly, too!

Grandmas and new baby stuff compared to chicken math. I think you may be on to something!
I got to work just fine and did not find any ice on my way. I decided that
if I have to sit for 2 hours I might as well bring the laptop I had got for the
great summer trip from two years ago and keep up with a few places.
I'm thinking ahead for once.

I envy those seats of yours RF......wonder if I can convince the bus mechanic
to put one on my bus

I am up to 6 grandbabies and still buy too much for them.....just can't resist
looking at things and thinking this kid would love it and needs it.
Grandmas can think of lots of reasons kids needs things.
Thanks for the tips, the chickens did fine out there.
The bunnies did too, I wanted to bring them inside, but couldn't catch them.
Everyone's water is frozen solid though, guess I'll have to boil some water and dump it on there to loosen them up a bit.

I think I've been down south too long because I can't deal with this cold haha!
I almost wish the kids were off school so I don't have to stand at the bus stop, I don't think two hours will make it that much warmer.

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