North Carolina

There's a discount lumber place in Lumberton. After framing, hubby gets rough cut lumber for the outside of them. Much cheaper by board foot, but not pressure treated, so we have to be careful where it goes. And we reuse where we can. The coops that are in the breeding pens are completely out of salvage. The new chicken houses will be 20x8 feet, divided into two 10x8 sections. A bit much for salvage for us.
There's a discount lumber place in Lumberton. After framing, hubby gets rough cut lumber for the outside of them. Much cheaper by board foot, but not pressure treated, so we have to be careful where it goes. And we reuse where we can. The coops that are in the breeding pens are completely out of salvage. The new chicken houses will be 20x8 feet, divided into two 10x8 sections. A bit much for salvage for us.

Do they also sell 4x4s?
There's a discount lumber place in Lumberton. After framing, hubby gets rough cut lumber for the outside of them. Much cheaper by board foot, but not pressure treated, so we have to be careful where it goes. And we reuse where we can. The coops that are in the breeding pens are completely out of salvage. The new chicken houses will be 20x8 feet, divided into two 10x8 sections. A bit much for salvage for us.

Do they also sell 4x4s?

Which "they"? The discount lumber place does. I doubt the rough cut guy does, but we couldn't use rough cut 4x4s since they wouldn't be treated, so I haven't checked.
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I don't know about discount lumber, but after I framed my chicken coop I built the sides with pressure treated fence boards-- they were by far the cheapest wood at Lowe's and it turned out really pretty.

My Breda are gone
Guess I should be happy, but I do miss them. Sold them at a pretty good loss too, but I'm hoping the guy will keep them as a flock instead of splitting them up. My Exchequer Leghorn rooster started crowing this week and he was way too pretty to eat so I told the guy he could have him as long as he gave him a good home. The Breda girl I have left and my Exchequer Leghorn girl are out there crying, it's breaking my heart. Idk some people say chickens don't understand or have feelings, but they definitely do.

Hope everyone else is enjoying this nice day! It's taking foreverrrrrr to process these quail, I think we're almost done now.
Brooster, I had a greenhouse and didn't replace the plastic when it started decomposing. (The frame is probably going to become a chicken pen.) I found that it wouldn't hold enough heat during the night and things would freeze inside of it. I am thinking of trying small hoop houses over the planting beds. I found that unless I heated the greenhouse during cold nights and was home to open them during the day when it gets hot it just didn't work for me. Maybe your climate would be better.

Hollow, YAY, I love new construction projects AND even better than that is that you are getting more coop space. BTW, I LOVE the new tea pot.

I have two of the tumbler composters and for me, they were too much work. I let my chickens do the turning of the compost pile now. If anyone is interested I am certainly willing to sell them at a good price. The frames are made with Trex deck material so they won't rot and the tumbler is a 50 gallon pickle barrel with galvanized steel insides. PM me if you are interested.

DB, I agree that chickens can miss each other. One of my buff girls has what I think is a fat deposit on her leg and was limping (I think she had hit it as it had been bleeding). I pulled her into the garage for a few days. The hens and roo from that pen were definitely not happy she was gone and egg production went down. Now that she is back in the pen with them egg production is back up and everyone is happy. Her leg is fine too.
I don't know about discount lumber, but after I framed my chicken coop I built the sides with pressure treated fence boards-- they were by far the cheapest wood at Lowe's and it turned out really pretty.

My Breda are gone :(   Guess I should be happy, but I do miss them.  Sold them at a pretty good loss too, but I'm hoping the guy will keep them as a flock instead of splitting them up.  My Exchequer Leghorn rooster started crowing this week and he was way too pretty to eat so I told the guy he could have him as long as he gave him a good home.  The Breda girl I have left and my Exchequer Leghorn girl are out there crying, it's breaking my heart.  Idk some people say chickens don't understand or have feelings, but they definitely do.

Hope everyone else is enjoying this nice day!  It's taking foreverrrrrr to process these quail, I think we're almost done now.

That's why I have 12 boys right now (I think one of the chicks is a boy). I just can't think about breaking them up. They're a family. :(

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