North Carolina

I won't be doing any real selling or hatching this season. If I do, it will only be a small amout for close friends, or my fard. I sold most of the birds off in the fall-winter season. Now I have a lot less mouths to feed. I am getting enough eggs to eat, and even to take a few of the pure Am, Sumatra, and Silkies eggs for friends to do hatching projects.

ramirezframing, I still have the roo that I got from you. He has grow into a beautiful boy. The pair has been kept together. I have two extra roos from the Fall of theirs, and one is like a baby, he was handled more by DS1. He was low man on the totem pole, and had to be separated to eat for a while to put weight on him. This made him much more tame than the sibling that is about 3-6 weeks older.

Coop Scoop Boogie, Even if I did breed, and hatch this year, I would do like last year and do less, or take a summer break. You are spot on; it is too hard on the fowl to put them through it. I cry FOWL!!!!
Glad to hear that it's going well with your sumatras. I have a few that insist on being pets no matter what, even if I don't mess with them. I had to peel one off of my head the other day, was not amused to say the least.
Not chicken related, but I have to share! I had a parent come see me today. Parents just don't do that. This parent brought me a gift and wanted to tell me thank you for what I have "done for her son". I'm totally floored. Her son was first a student of mine, and currently is in a position that is basically an assistant teaching position. I think he's awesome and well raised and have often wondered what his parents are like, as he's so well-rounded. But I usually only meet a few parents at graduation and that's it. This one spent 45 minutes telling me how wonderful I am! And yes, I took those comments with a grain of salt, because perspective is everything, but it still totally made my entire semester!

This did not start off being a good day. And this semester hasn't been a good one, as we've been too disrupted by snowstorms and an early spring break (whose idea was that, anyway?) and we've never really settled. But that visit made the whole semester worthwhile and gave me a much needed boost. A week ago I was thinking about quitting.

Just wanted to share...
Not chicken related, but I have to share! I had a parent come see me today. Parents just don't do that. This parent brought me a gift and wanted to tell me thank you for what I have "done for her son". I'm totally floored. Her son was first a student of mine, and currently is in a position that is basically an assistant teaching position. I think he's awesome and well raised and have often wondered what his parents are like, as he's so well-rounded. But I usually only meet a few parents at graduation and that's it. This one spent 45 minutes telling me how wonderful I am! And yes, I took those comments with a grain of salt, because perspective is everything, but it still totally made my entire semester!

This did not start off being a good day. And this semester hasn't been a good one, as we've been too disrupted by snowstorms and an early spring break (whose idea was that, anyway?) and we've never really settled. But that visit made the whole semester worthwhile and gave me a much needed boost. A week ago I was thinking about quitting.

Just wanted to share...
Glad to hear that it was a good parent visit.
Great job!
Glad to hear that it was a good parent visit.
Great job!

Not chicken related, but I have to share! I had a parent come see me today. Parents just don't do that. This parent brought me a gift and wanted to tell me thank you for what I have "done for her son". I'm totally floored. Her son was first a student of mine, and currently is in a position that is basically an assistant teaching position. I think he's awesome and well raised and have often wondered what his parents are like, as he's so well-rounded. But I usually only meet a few parents at graduation and that's it. This one spent 45 minutes telling me how wonderful I am! And yes, I took those comments with a grain of salt, because perspective is everything, but it still totally made my entire semester!

This did not start off being a good day. And this semester hasn't been a good one, as we've been too disrupted by snowstorms and an early spring break (whose idea was that, anyway?) and we've never really settled. But that visit made the whole semester worthwhile and gave me a much needed boost. A week ago I was thinking about quitting.

Just wanted to share...
My daughter was a teacher as was I......I know what you are ta;king about from start to finish.....its so good to hear that there are other great teachers out there... saw many who I didn't think measured up but had been there so one questioned their sourness... Please keep up the good grands are coming through now!
Not chicken related, but I have to share! I had a parent come see me today. Parents just don't do that. This parent brought me a gift and wanted to tell me thank you for what I have "done for her son". I'm totally floored. Her son was first a student of mine, and currently is in a position that is basically an assistant teaching position. I think he's awesome and well raised and have often wondered what his parents are like, as he's so well-rounded. But I usually only meet a few parents at graduation and that's it. This one spent 45 minutes telling me how wonderful I am! And yes, I took those comments with a grain of salt, because perspective is everything, but it still totally made my entire semester!

This did not start off being a good day. And this semester hasn't been a good one, as we've been too disrupted by snowstorms and an early spring break (whose idea was that, anyway?) and we've never really settled. But that visit made the whole semester worthwhile and gave me a much needed boost. A week ago I was thinking about quitting.

Just wanted to share...
WTG Hollow!!!! You are a wonderful professor, not many take the time
to bake for their students to help ease the stress of testing or take the time
to talk to parents as students in college are past the kid-at-home stage.
And what a nice parent to come let you know how happy they are that you
did a great job with their son.
Thanks folks! This kind of thing is sooooo rare, and it really made me feel awesome, so I just had to share. Even though it was like patting myself on the back! But a week ago I was feeling very ineffective and considering quitting...and then this happens! So I know that I'm having a positive affect somewhere! It really made this entire semester.

In chicken news, the new brooder box that hubby built for me out in the Juvenile Detention Center is perfect! The first fifty-ish chicks are taking up half and comfortable enough to spread out. Next batch goes to lockdown tomorrow!
I found a scratch on the neck of one of the 4 week old little EE. He/she was in the box with 5 others so don't know where it came from. But it showed irratation with small amount of blood so I took the baby out and put her/him in separate but adjacent cage. Is there anything I can put on neosporin?
I found a scratch on the neck of one of the 4 week old little EE. He/she was in the box with 5 others so don't know where it came from. But it showed irratation with small amount of blood so I took the baby out and put her/him in separate but adjacent cage. Is there anything I can put on neosporin?

I use honey on chicken wounds. Works great not to mention is non toxic!

Congratulations Hollow!!! :)
Honey is awesome I knew a guy who's dog got hit by a car and he didn't take it to the vet and he knew my dad was a tv repair man so he figured I could help well the dogs foot wrotted off and the bone stuck out about an inch so I doctored it up with honey and cattle penicillin and it healed over the bone and all 6 months later his dog died of parvo true story except my dad being a tv repair man that was a joke
I use honey on chicken wounds. Works great not to mention is non toxic!

Congratulations Hollow!!! :)

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