North Carolina

I need some help! My roo has had a problem with one of my hens. He chases her if she gets too close to treats and/or he feels like she's hogging everything. I thought he was doing this because she was a bit of a bully. My husband found her sleeping under the nest boxes the other night and yesterday she was sitting in a nest box when I got home. She has a raw spot behind her comb and I saw him peck her yesterday and her comb was torn in the back also. I'm not sure what to do. I can't have him hurting her intentionally. This was NOT the result of too much mating.

She was the last one in the coop last night and both my DH and I thought she looked like a turkey. She was puffed up and looked just like a black turkey. Is it related? Does Rodney need to go to jail for abuse? Can I correct this behavior? Other than this he's been a very good roo. Any thoughts?
I would certainly start by segregating him quickly to give her time to heal.... Also, are there any other chickens pecking her? She might need time on her own just to keep them from pecking her to death if there's blood or a really red spot showing
I need some help!  My roo has had a problem with one of my hens.  He chases her if she gets too close to treats and/or he feels like she's hogging everything.  I thought he was doing this because she was a bit of a bully.  My husband found her sleeping under the nest boxes the other night and yesterday she was sitting in a nest box when I got home.  She has a raw spot behind her comb and I saw him peck her yesterday and her comb was torn in the back also.  I'm not sure what to do.  I can't have him hurting her intentionally.  This was NOT the result of too much mating.

She was the last one in the coop last night and both my DH and I thought she looked like a turkey.  She was puffed up and looked just like a black turkey.  Is it related?  Does Rodney need to go to jail for abuse?  Can I correct this behavior?  Other than this he's been a very good roo.  Any thoughts?

Thankfully this situation has only happened with roosters that I didn't want anyway. I have plenty of nice boys so I just sold the ones that were mean to anyone.
I'm sorry this probably isn't very helpful since you probably want to keep your rooster. *hugs*
I'll be listening in though because it would be good to know how to treat behaviour issues like this for one day when it is a rooster I want to keep. :)
Welcome new flockers!!

It's official!! All 8 of my girls are laying! I suspected as much, but we've only gotten between 4-6 on any given day lately. Today we got 8! Woot! Very exciting stuff. Still can't tell the difference between my Brahma's egg and the Orps though. Aaaand.... with things greening up we haven't had to buy feed since mid-March. :) Judging by the size of their crops every night I'd say they are all pretty well fed. Best of all: that a-hole of a boxer is moving in the next couple months so I won't have to worry about him killing any more of my birds. We chatted with his owners day before yesterday, and he was back in our yard again today.
Will be very glad to see him go!

Hope you all are doing well!
I need some help! My roo has had a problem with one of my hens. He chases her if she gets too close to treats and/or he feels like she's hogging everything. I thought he was doing this because she was a bit of a bully. My husband found her sleeping under the nest boxes the other night and yesterday she was sitting in a nest box when I got home. She has a raw spot behind her comb and I saw him peck her yesterday and her comb was torn in the back also. I'm not sure what to do. I can't have him hurting her intentionally. This was NOT the result of too much mating.

She was the last one in the coop last night and both my DH and I thought she looked like a turkey. She was puffed up and looked just like a black turkey. Is it related? Does Rodney need to go to jail for abuse? Can I correct this behavior? Other than this he's been a very good roo. Any thoughts?
Use some Blue-Kote on the injury's to keep other birds from pecking the red spots.
Good luck with this roo!

Welcome new flockers!!

It's official!! All 8 of my girls are laying! I suspected as much, but we've only gotten between 4-6 on any given day lately. Today we got 8! Woot! Very exciting stuff. Still can't tell the difference between my Brahma's egg and the Orps though. Aaaand.... with things greening up we haven't had to buy feed since mid-March. :) Judging by the size of their crops every night I'd say they are all pretty well fed. Best of all: that a-hole of a boxer is moving in the next couple months so I won't have to worry about him killing any more of my birds. We chatted with his owners day before yesterday, and he was back in our yard again today.
Will be very glad to see him go!

Hope you all are doing well!
Do some people really ever get a clue?

Good morning folks

Had to pop in to see the doc for a check on how
the new meds she gave me are working. The nurse
was doing the usual check in stuff and asked me to
hop up onto the scales. I told it wasn't going to be
good cause the old body was insisting on gaining and
storing up for the great famine that is coming soon.
This got her giggling. The scale showed I actually
managed to lose 2 pounds and she was telling me
"See, you are fine." I had to tell her nope....not so....
I peed was all. She lost it.

hope everyone has a good day

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