North Carolina

:frow The walls will be solid with 1x8"planks. Since the top is slanted, the "extra space at the top will be for ventilation and covered with 1/4". There will be a window hinged to allow it to be opened and layed back...the opening will also be covered with 1/4". The door is a really old door with 3 vertical windows at the top...the area behind them will be covered by 1/4".....I will create a skirting around the run/coop with pavers.  the run will be framed and covered with 1/4"....but the top will also be covered.....can that be chicken wire or because of climbing predators...should I continue the1/4" right over that?:)

I would use hardware cloth on anything that's going to be exposed, especially at night. I've got hardware cloth but because it's chicken height and their feathers poke through, I still won't leave them open overnight....
Just had another nice rain come through..gardens are happy !
Last night and this morning we have gotten plenty of rain! Can't get things done because of it, I don't mind working in it, but after a while you feel like you jumped in the pond. We have to set back up all of our big tomato and pepper plants because of the wind and the rain, ugh. Lots and lots of work to do here!
Got a bunch(!!!!!!!) of rain here. So glad my little pullets stayed nice and dry last night! I've got a question. This is my first time having a hen hatch chicks. They are about 4-5 weeks old. How long does the hen need to stay with them? Until they are fully feathered out, or until she starts laying eggs, or what?

Thanks in advance!
Oh what fun it is to have to get out of bed at 1:30 AM in the morning to try to catch the kids pet rabbit. I swear, Skunk would turn and hop to me and get within reach, just to dart away
. After about five minutes, I ended up with a rabbit in the fish net
. Glad Skunk is a boy, so I don't have to worry about any babies.

Hope everyone has a good day.
That's Great! My neighbors laugh at me, watching me chase small pullets and cockerals around the yard (because they have found a hole somewhere in the coop fencing)... with a fish net. Handy suckers to have!
The walls will be solid with 1x8"planks. Since the top is slanted, the "extra space at the top will be for ventilation and covered with 1/4". There will be a window hinged to allow it to be opened and layed back...the opening will also be covered with 1/4". The door is a really old door with 3 vertical windows at the top...the area behind them will be covered by 1/4".....I will create a skirting around the run/coop with pavers. the run will be framed and covered with 1/4"....but the top will also be covered.....can that be chicken wire or because of climbing predators...should I continue the1/4" right over that?

Agreed with Coop Scoop, JT. It will be pretty solid at this point, unless you have bear or coyote....your good.
jt..........sounds like a good plan on the coop. If you are not having
big predator problems I would think the chicken wire over the top
will work. If you do have problems then I would go with something
heavier. We use a heavy fabric bird netting that was tossed by the
army base when they redid a hanger. We also have gotten some
commercial fishing net.
Hmmmmmm! my son's in the career military....not to far from airfields either. ......He has chickens also so he will understand! However, he's in Ga, in a class for 2 more weeks! I'll tell him what I want and maybe he can get with someone on that though! and .....they live only a mile from the Chesapeake Bay...lots of fishermen up there! Thanks.
Agreed with Coop Scoop, JT. It will be pretty solid at this point, unless you have bear or coyote....your good.
Thank you all......makes me feel better ! LOL....No bear possibility of a coyote but only rare sighting. Mostly foxes, raccoons, opposums, snakes, weasels, rodents. Even have several rabbits play across our back 1/2 acre near the woods in the evenings so they can't be too overgrown with predators. They don't feel threatened!
Got a bunch(!!!!!!!) of rain here. So glad my little pullets stayed nice and dry last night! I've got a question. This is my first time having a hen hatch chicks. They are about 4-5 weeks old. How long does the hen need to stay with them? Until they are fully feathered out, or until she starts laying eggs, or what?

Thanks in advance!

4-6 weeks..she start laying again.

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