North Carolina

There are a number of facebook groups that I have found (and I am sure there are many more!) for horses and such n the local area.

VA, NC, SC Goats Only
Virgina and North Carolina farm sales (note the misspell)
North Carolina Farm Sells/Swaps/Shops
Virginia and North Carolina Farm Sales
Goats in North Carolina
Horses and Tack for Sale or Trade in North Carolina
Triangle Area Equestrians

I do have two horses, but I am only looking (and not really dedicated, as I am waiting to build a barn, for some large gaited).

BTW---My fuzzy khaki Campbell female babies arrived this morning. I have around 5 extra for $10 each if anyone is interested.


ETA a correction to a group name-my keyboard is giving me issues.
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Is there a web site or forum on byc that posts the date and location of poultry shows?

Some are put in the forum section under the "Chickenstocks, Shows, Meet-Ups" section, but that only happens if someone makes a thread for an upcoming show. I will do a Morganton thread about 6 weeks before the show, other then that I quit doing them for everyone else's shows in NC. Other then that you have to go off BYC.


Aw! I'm so happy you gave him such a good home.
We need more people like you in this world! Why are there so many cruel people in this world? Animals might not be as intelligent as humans, but that does not mean they deserve just to be treated with cruelty.

There are a number of facebook groups that I have found (and I am sure there are many more!) for horses and such n the local area.

VA, NC, SC Goats Only
Virgina and North Carolina farm sales (note the misspell)
North Carolina Farm Sells/Swaps/Shops
Virginia and North Carolina Farm Sales
Goats in North Carolina
Horses and Tack for Sale or Trade in North Carolina
Triangle Area Equestrians
Thank you for the names of the groups! I just got a Facebook today. I was extremely adamant against getting one, but decided to see what it was like. Now that I know about groups like these my mind has kind of changed about Facebook.
I'll be heading home today. I miss my home, my hubby, my dogs, my livestock...and my chores! Four days with no chores has been difficult. But, I'll be doing evening chores today! Woohoo!
Good morning folks

We finally got a little rain Tuesday night/Wednesday morning and even
got a few light sprinkles yesterday. The trees are not droopy now and
the grass has actually grown enough to mow.....not just the weeds.

The chicks are growing like weeds except for Dora.........DH named
her. She has been a very independent chick since the beginning. She
also looks like Dora......tan body with a black mop-top.....she's a polish
so the mop even looks like the Dora hairdoo.
Dora explores everywhere
all day long and does not hang out with the other chicks and is tiny for
her age. It's odd as she does eat but refuses to eat the starter so maybe
that is why she is growing so slow.

hope everyone has a good day
It remains hot for the mtns or really muggy. The humidity is not my friend. My large outdoor run is sour. Yuck, yuck, yuck. I put lime on it last week but this wk it washed it downhill again. Sigh. I found homes for all the baby chicks and 5 adults. I really need to cut back some more but the rest of my hens have names. You see, my health remains poor and I can not really enjoy them when there are so many. I still have about 20 hens and roos. I hate having to get rid of any of them. I keep hopeing I will feel better again. Which is possible.
If I get rid of any more it maybe a buff orp. roo. The two hens I have left would intergrate fairly easy. He is young still and non-hatchery. The hens I have left are mostly over a yr. old. They are old friends to me. I have only three new hens this yr. and would like to keep them for egg production this winter. My older hens have all gone broody at one time or another this summer,except one and I look anytime for that. I love my ladies they have such different personalities. I may have to even cut some more. I hope not. Does anyone on here want to get a buff orp. roo that is about 14 wks. Then I will intergrate the 2 buff hens with the others. Less water and feed to carry. I am in the southern mts of NC. I am NPIP and A1 tested clean too.

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