North Carolina

I'm not looking to gain any money, just a loving and caring home. I'm having to make a lot of hard choices. Thank you for your kind words. This has been one of the hardest things I've ever been through.
I would love to rehome them here... And I would meet you somewhere or go to your place... I'm just in Nash Cty.
Are you sure you have to do this.. Those girls are going to be eating eggs .. LOL....
I would also be willing to return them to you at anytime, if you find they would fit into your new extended family.
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Does anyone by any chance have any Brahma pullets or laying hens they are willing to part with? Mom wants some again every since we lost our Dark Brahma pullet.

She says she prefers Dark Brahmas, but I'm sure she wouldn't be able to resist another color if they were available. No more room for chicks though because the Wellies and Orpingtons have that territory
Good morning folks

First day back to the grind stone went well. I managed not to
have an urge to re-educate a brat. So far all the kids are being
nice. I'm just thankful I am not in the classroom. I just don't like
being locked up inside. I tried being a substitute teacher but nope
........ just not going to work for me. I love to drive and that bus
is the best job I could ask for.

hope everyone has a good day
Good morning folks

First day back to the grind stone went well. I managed not to
have an urge to re-educate a brat. So far all the kids are being
nice. I'm just thankful I am not in the classroom. I just don't like
being locked up inside. I tried being a substitute teacher but nope
........ just not going to work for me. I love to drive and that bus
is the best job I could ask for.

hope everyone has a good day
You are right....I'm old enough that I drove a bus in high school,
then I went back to college when I was 38 and drove one as a way to help pay for my tuition... Loved them but totally understand about the "re-education" .....its actually a program that should start early in life with the pre-school age kids....most of them are great, HOWEVER, there's always one brat in the crowd!
You are right....I'm old enough that I drove a bus in high school,
then I went back to college when I was 38 and drove one as a way to help pay for my tuition... Loved them but totally understand about the "re-education" .....its actually a program that should start early in life with the pre-school age kids....most of them are great, HOWEVER, there's always one brat in the crowd!
Yeah.....I don't want to be a enough to be one and
smart enough to know it's not the job for me........I'd be up on parent
abuse charges too often
There is no way I could eat any of mine! I just couldn't bring myself to do the processing of my pets. My dh doesn't understand that they give me such pleasure but I love to sit in my chair and talk to them and see their personalities....They are all so different.
you just let me know what I can do for you. I have a kennel I can use so they will have room. Take a deep breath and know that you are in our prayers everyday.
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I feel the same way about that bus! I'd have my nerves on edge all the time with 1000 screaming kids behind me.
LOLOL I have literally driven every thing from the tractor of an 18 wheeler (couldn't stand the trailer thing), to farm tractors, stick shifts, my first bus was when I was in High school and it was one of those snub nose, 92 capacity buses. I absolutely love driving it...
In fact, I love driving anything big and different! I even used to drive the rescue squad when I was working as an EMT! I could write a book!!

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