North Carolina

Hi JT, hope you got to rest in your recliner today! Do you have a family member, neighbor or friend who could touch base with you each evening just to make sure you aren't stuck outside? Just a quick text, email or call would work. Just a thought... we all want you to stay safe!!!

And J, you know you can call me if you get stuck and they aren't home to help. I always make sure I have my phone on me when I'm outside.
Thanks for the reminder. LOL!!! I'd forgotten that I'd had such a hard time getting into the run with just ONE inch on the ground. I just went out and rigged up a tarp in a sloping angle hoping that the snow will just slide down away from the door. This is why I had wanted my husband to put the door to open out but he thought he knew best. Oh well. I'll see how well the tarp works.

I just love when the person not using something every day thinks he knows best...I feel you pain! :p

I rigged up some lean to shelters as well and am so glad I did! 6-7" and the chickens have at least a little "dry" ground to walk on! I worry about the ones with feathered feet in the snow.
Good morning everyone....its beautiful outside and I'm watching the birds on my feeders. I have at least 3 sets of cardinals who come frequently. Tikkijane , there are people around but no one is home most of the time (bet they are today! LOL) But I do keep my phone on me,,,,I try never to walk out that door without it. I've gotten all of out wood up and for the first time in my life......(and all of you will probably laugh..I would have until this week)....I BOUGHT...PAID $$ FOR,...wood at Harris Teeter.!!! Can you believe such a thing? Its birch and is good wood to help start your fire,,very dry and just the right side. I like to have freaked out last nite. Went out to close up my ladies and give them some warmed oatmeal/scrambled eggs/rotel....and one of the waterers was totally empty.! I knew it shouldn't be empty!! I got to looking at it and one of the slide catches was completely broken off and that allow all the water to leak out. Thank heavens I have only been putting about half of the normal supply in due to freezing. I almost got in my car and went to TSC but finally found a 5 gal bucket with nipples. I don't usually use them due to the nipples freezing so easily. But its in there so I've got to take out some warm water to dip the nipples in and make sure all have water. Topped off all food yesterday so that's good, Well, I've rambled enough,.,.How about the rest of you,.,,How is you morning going and how are you dealing with the snow,???
Chickens are in their coop... The horses are in their stalls... The dogs have been out romping in the 6" of snow we got overnight... I wish I could post photos but the app won't upload images :( its pretty here... But I'm ready for spring!
Chickens are in their coop... The horses are in their stalls... The dogs have been out romping in the 6" of snow we got overnight... I wish I could post photos but the app won't upload images
its pretty here... But I'm ready for spring!
I'm right there with you about the spring...I don't do cold weather or really hot weather. Spring and Fall are my seasons
And J, you know you can call me if you get stuck and they aren't home to help. I always make sure I have my phone on me when I'm outside.
Tikkijane...actually I do have your number in my phone! And I would call you if I can't find anyone across the street,,,would not hesitate. Thank you so much,,I;m going to meet you one day!!
Just had to show you a couple of picts...I'll label them to identify why I"m posting them.
Made this light for my granddaughter who had helped me so much last summer. She is my animal person. She loves this light in her room, beside her bed. It has a little switch that she can turn off when she is settled for the night.

Taken from above. I knew these containers would come in handy someday.
They have handles and hold a gallon. I just take several out tot he coop with me. These containers are make to hold liquid and will not start leaking over time like some of those you get from the grocery store. And yes..over a long period of time, I have drank that much tea. Me, myself and I.....!!
Wow! so much snow and so beautiful last night and early this morning. Thankfully it is melting and the power is still on. We had 5 inches in Franklin,NC. I live out in the boonys but love it. Late last night around 11pm I heard the kids down the road whooping and laughing during a late night snow ball fight. Now thats the way to enjoy snow. My chickens are doing well.

I told my hb that I wished the snow would stay on the trees and ground but not on the roads for the rest of the winter. He looked at me like I was crazy. Well, I am a little bit LOL. I know the animals and cattle etc really need to get to the grass though. What little there is this time of yr.
We stay nice and warm with our wood auxilery heater.
Ignore the date. My camera date was not set right. Be careful but enjoy this day.

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