North Carolina

So Sorry to hear this sbrooks88,
for you!
Just breaks my heart. I've had these for 2 years. During the winter they lived in my living room! And this fox has the gumption to come and take my babies in broad daylight right after I walk inside! These chickens never left eachothers side! Their mother and siblings were taken from their cage by a raccoon in broad daylight right after I fed them when they were just 3 day old chicks! These 2 were the only ones left! So I did my best to protect them after that. Came inside nearly every night to spend time with me and get treats! Came inside in the rain! Snow and cold! And whenever I wasn't at home they were in the pen in the living room. My heart is so broken into pieces. Chickens who would always come when called. And have never been skiddish. Even my cat has never tried to mess with them. She used to snuggle them at night when they were around. Like a mama cat to kittens. And then there's my dogs who were just puppies when I got them. They were raised together and would run off rodents who stalked the chickens. But never hurt one. Never even chased any of my chickens. My boy dog ate a snake when the chickens alerted there was a danger! I just wish I had been there. It really bothers me she died scared and alone. She was so trusting of everything. I heard her scream. For Gods sake. I feel so bad!!!!!
so sorry sbrooks......hope the other one stays safe.

We haven't gotten many spiders yet but there has been quite a few
snakes including copperheads which is unusual for us. Just last week
the DH called for DD#2 and me to come help him get one from his work
area next to the chickens. It turned into quite the circus. I was holding the
grain bag, he had the snake tongs and DD#2, who an adult too, had a set
of forks ready to help. DH pulls the snake out of his shelves that it was in
only to realize there are 2 was in the air right there
in his shelves.......yellow rat snakes. So DH puts the first snake into the grain
bag I have. DD#2 grabs another grain bag for the second snake and while
I was trying to see if I could help him catch the second snake I had turned
to see if DD#2 needed help only to see the first snake stretched up out of
the bag and waving about in a trance in front of my face.....a few choice
words........I grab the snake by the body then behind the head and get it
back into the bag as DD#2 and DH bag up the second snake. I felt like
one of the Indian snake charmers for a moment with that snake waving
about right in front of me. Both snakes were blissfully relocated to nice
patch of woods far from any homes where they could resume their passions.

hope everyone has a good day
Good morning. Hope everyone's day turns out well. I had a hard time sleeping last night. Anxiety is a horrible thing. DH got all angry cause I was crying over the chicken last night so he slept on the couch. I'm trying really hard not to think about my poor baby. I have to work late tonight so I just took some Benadryl to go back to sleep. DH just left for work a while ago. I have a 10 hour shift I need to be rested for. Now I probably won't wake up until lunch time.
Good morning. Hope everyone's day turns out well. I had a hard time sleeping last night. Anxiety is a horrible thing. DH got all angry cause I was crying over the chicken last night so he slept on the couch. I'm trying really hard not to think about my poor baby. I have to work late tonight so I just took some Benadryl to go back to sleep. DH just left for work a while ago. I have a 10 hour shift I need to be rested for. Now I probably won't wake up until lunch time.

So sorry about your baby :( I lost a husband over chickens and it was worth it. That's all I've got to say about that!
Good morning. Hope everyone's day turns out well. I had a hard time sleeping last night. Anxiety is a horrible thing. DH got all angry cause I was crying over the chicken last night so he slept on the couch. I'm trying really hard not to think about my poor baby. I have to work late tonight so I just took some Benadryl to go back to sleep. DH just left for work a while ago. I have a 10 hour shift I need to be rested for. Now I probably won't wake up until lunch time.

Oh hun :hugs
My heart broke reading your posts :'(
I know this won't bring back your baby, but if you want them, I'd be happy to send you banty eggs from my guys..they're all black except one dark bearded blue hen..I'm in WV so would have to ship but the offer will stand.



it never gets old! the Tolbunt ♡♡ I have 2 dozen in the incu cooking. Keep waving my magic mojo wand hoping this group does better than the last but honestly I'm happy with any I get ♡♡

Here's my "boy"

He's hitting his gawky stage and is all ostrich upright looking bc I had him on top of the brooder and he was nervous
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Hey y'all! I've got a question.

I have a backyard flock of 6 hens. My original 4 are a year old and have been steady layers almost daily since spring. My light Sussex (who is the one in charge) recently went broody. Since she has gone broody, the other 3 girls have almost quit laying too!
Is this normal?

I went from 3-4 eggs a day, to only 1 now! (And that's my Australorp the only reliable one that lays daily)
I've tried to break my Sussex from being broody. I can only have a flock of 6 hens in my area, and I don't have a Roo..... I can't really seperate her from the others because I only have one coop and run with limited space. Any ideas on what I can do? I've read the thread on breaking a broody hen, but will have to wait til I can get a large crate to try that.

Hey y'all! I've got a question.

I have a backyard flock of 6 hens. My original 4 are a year old and have been steady layers almost daily since spring. My light Sussex (who is the one in charge) recently went broody. Since she has gone broody, the other 3 girls have almost quit laying too!:confused: Is this normal?

I went from 3-4 eggs a day, to only 1 now! (And that's my Australorp the only reliable one that lays daily)

I've tried to break my Sussex from being broody. I can only have a flock of 6 hens in my area, and I don't have a Roo..... I can't really seperate her from the others because I only have one coop and run with limited space. Any ideas on what I can do? I've read the thread on breaking a broody hen, but will have to wait til I can get a large crate to try that.


Broodiness is contagious.. wire bottomed cage with nothing for them to hide in is the best way to break them..

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