North Carolina

Wow, this thread has gone quiet! How am I supposed to live vicariously if no one is posting?

My spring babies are growing out nicely, so far only two are crowing and will need new homes, but I am sure there are more that are just staying quiet. I do have some week olds running around, to help it feel like spring (3 bantam cochin, so small and cute!) plus 5 KC ducklings to make sure my drake was doing his job. We did have a snake problem earlier this year, but we have moved them along too. Every day is Easter for us though, as my ducks like to lay in strange places, if anyone has some good advice to get free ranging ducks to lay is a single location, please let me know.

I hope everyone has a great week,

Haven't been around much due to the start of fall semester. I'm settling in to the new schedule, though.

My pullets are starting to get red in their combs. They need to start laying before the weather shifts. The older girls are starting to go into molt and I need those eggs!!!

Hubby hired summer help, and my gosh, what a difference a young man who is a competitive weight lifter can do!! He has hauled sand and re-bedded all but one of the chicken houses. We ran out of sand for that, but will get another load in. He has weeded, trimmed, weed-wacked, put up bird netting in the chicken houses, painted all but one outbuilding (That one had a garden spider we didn't want disturbed on it.)and basically worked his derriere off! He was a former student of my husband and they bumped into each other somewhere. He was telling Chris that he was looking for a short-term part-time job to supplement him until he moved this fall. He's a city boy, but when Chris offered manual labor on our place, he jumped on it. It is rather funny to see this big, muscular 24-year-old man cringe at a spider or a wasp, or anything else with lots of legs, but he's gotten past most of that over the summer. Will has made a huge difference for us this summer!

We are looking for bottle calves, if anyone knows where I might get them. Our previous source no longer has them. I want four.

Enjoy the day!
This thread has gone quiet!!! This month on as the coop turns...The Henstead is acluck with activity!

Uncle Clucker the rooster looses a spur, will he bleed out? And is this why he's being so rude to the ladies? Essie is sitting on dud eggs...WHOSE GONNA TELL HER it's been 27 days? The human has conspired to downsize the flock, who will be left on the roost come Saturday? Can old hens be taught new tricks (why are nipple waterers so dang mysterious.....)?

Stay tuned!
Things have been pretty busy here with school starting and the new ballet season for DD. DH is finally getting moving on the coop, have acquired the cinderblocks, and cement for the base, have lumber for the build. He is on a deadline as the chicks are ordered and due to be here in a couple of weeks. I'm getting 7 week old fledged pullets, so they will be coop ready, the question of the day is will the coop be ready for them lol, I am getting 8 total 2 easter eggers, a barred rock, a RIR, a golden comet, a buff orpington, a cream legbar, and a golden laced mystery hen (the person I am getting her from got her in a hatchery rare chick package) may need some help identifying her later lol. I'm getting excited, can't wait to get my little chickies. :) Hope everyone is doing well. Catch ya later!

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