North Carolina

Hi Everyone! I used to be a breeder in Northern California , sold my flocks when we moved to Mexico for 3 years and now we are on Lake Norman, NC!  We love it here but miss my chickens!  We are going to build a smallish coop and keep just 6 (promise!) hens.

I'm looking for some adults or pullets but I'm a bit of a chicken snob.  Looking for large fowl only, a buff and black big fluffy orpington, a barred rock, easter egger/americana, Partridge Brahma, delaware, or other fun and fancy breeds.  No bantams or silkies.

I'd appreciate any leads, THANKS

We have 2 French Cooper Maran roosters but we are in Sanford, so a little far
Hi Everyone! I used to be a breeder in Northern California , sold my flocks when we moved to Mexico for 3 years and now we are on Lake Norman, NC!  We love it here but miss my chickens!  We are going to build a smallish coop and keep just 6 (promise!) hens.

I'm looking for some adults or pullets but I'm a bit of a chicken snob.  Looking for large fowl only, a buff and black big fluffy orpington, a barred rock, easter egger/americana, Partridge Brahma, delaware, or other fun and fancy breeds.  No bantams or silkies.

I'd appreciate any leads, THANKS

Im in Fayetteville, but if you happen to be in the area, I have a couple Black Australorps who are due to lay any time. I'd like the two to go together.

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There are alot better the electrolytes have really help. One still alittle weak,put seems to be improving. Thanks for the advice. I will try the yogurt.

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