North Carolina

The coop looks like it has good protection - I would not add any plastic or decrease any of the ventilation.  However, adding some cover to the run to help keep it dry could be good.  Our first coop was a big dog kennel with perches and tarps on top with mostly open sides.  The chickens did fine all winter (central NC).  We have additional coops now that offer more protection and shelter, but many still like the big open cage.

I did a bunch of reading/research and proper ventilation was the big take home.  There was a coop design in Alaska with an open front to promote ventilation - chickens did fine!  

On a side note, my chickens LOVE playing around in the are underneath coops like yours.  Have you thought about enclosing that and adding it to the area of your existing run? We let ours free range most of the day, and when they aren't pecking - they are underneath our little coop or the back stairs!

Thanks for the advice! That's funny you mention that. My girls always end up going under the coop to dust themselves when they are out free ranging. It's like it's their "hang out" spot. Lol.
Merry Christmas to all!!!
Hey everybody! Hope you all had a good long weekend
We took a few days and went to Myrtle beach. Perfect weather,
could not believe that Katie was swimming in the ocean christmas day!
Home back to icky rain.
I want more sunshine!!! Still on the first egg wait on the chicken front. I was so afraid they were going to start laying while we were gone!!!
I did not know you were so close. I am at a home 36 miles up the coast. By the way, I hate this hot humid weather. I will be glad for it to drop some soon. It does save on wood for the heater. But is using more power from the air conditioner. My hens are not laying worth anything and they have warmth plus lights that come on at 5 am each morning. I have 13 and only get about an egg a day. Its from my Jaerhon. sweet little lady. Hope the rest of this coming yr. is good for you all. I am looking forward to more eggs from my young hens this spring. I am trying some Javas and delawere. The del. has started to lay an egg ever so often.Its a pretty med. brown with specks. It is from Kathy in Mo line.
Yeah I hate the humidity as well. I am ready for some cold, but need the sunshine. I am sick sick sick of rain. This was Katie's first trip to Myrtle, we have visited my Brother on Emerald isle, but it has been several years as there have been a lot of medical issues with his wife, so she hasn't seen the ocean in several years. We usually vacation in Shenandoah VA
Hey everybody! Hope you all had a good long weekend
We took a few days and went to Myrtle beach. Perfect weather,
could not believe that Katie was swimming in the ocean christmas day!
Home back to icky rain.
I want more sunshine!!! Still on the first egg wait on the chicken front. I was so afraid they were going to start laying while we were gone!!!

Ours started laying two days before I went away for 2 1/2 weeks! LOL It has been a weird, warm winter. Not complaining, though I'd like a bit more sunshine, less rain!

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