North Carolina

Hi everyone!  I posted back in Feb and introduced myself.  My family moved here from Nashville, TN last summer.  We have backyard chickens there and loved it!  I started doing a hatching project in my kids' elementary classes and will be doing that here at their new school as well.  We have chosen a set date of May 4th so I am now finally ready to make some plans for hatching eggs.  I like to collect a variety of breeds so that the kids can see the variety of eggs - colored, sizes, etc.  Some think all eggs are either white or brown like the grocery store and all chicks are fluffy yellow!  ;-)

If anyone has some hatching eggs that they would be willing to donate please let me know, I would be very grateful.  Also, if you have some to sell I would also possibly be interested if they aren't too expensive.

Thank you in advance!
Laura Lee

Hey there, I am located on the east side of Fayetteville and I'm willing to add a few eggs if you need them. I am a substitute teacher in the area going to school to finish my degree to start teaching. I have barred rock, silkies, & buff's mostly with a few polish mixes
Hi everyone! I posted back in Feb and introduced myself. My family moved here from Nashville, TN last summer. We have backyard chickens there and loved it! I started doing a hatching project in my kids' elementary classes and will be doing that here at their new school as well. We have chosen a set date of May 4th so I am now finally ready to make some plans for hatching eggs. I like to collect a variety of breeds so that the kids can see the variety of eggs - colored, sizes, etc. Some think all eggs are either white or brown like the grocery store and all chicks are fluffy yellow! ;-)

If anyone has some hatching eggs that they would be willing to donate please let me know, I would be very grateful. Also, if you have some to sell I would also possibly be interested if they aren't too expensive.

Thank you in advance!
Laura Lee

Laura, I have a mixture of fertilized easter eggers, brown egg layers (some with speckles), Legbar, and Polish eggs. I'm in northern Durham County. Let me know if I can help.
winston salem got our red sex links from local feeding seed first week of febuary 6 hens they have done well just a hobby we're looking forward to when they start laying eggs i understand at about 26 weeks, they love to eat been giving them left over salad is that ok they seem to love they also get starter feed from a drop feeder thanks for input
winston salem got our red sex links from local feeding seed first week of febuary 6 hens they have done well just a hobby we're looking forward to when they start laying eggs i understand at about 26 weeks, they love to eat been giving them left over salad is that ok they seem to love they also get starter feed from a drop feeder thanks for input

red sexlinks should start laying by 20-22 weeks if raised good.
Hi everyone! I posted back in Feb and introduced myself. My family moved here from Nashville, TN last summer. We have backyard chickens there and loved it! I started doing a hatching project in my kids' elementary classes and will be doing that here at their new school as well. We have chosen a set date of May 4th so I am now finally ready to make some plans for hatching eggs. I like to collect a variety of breeds so that the kids can see the variety of eggs - colored, sizes, etc. Some think all eggs are either white or brown like the grocery store and all chicks are fluffy yellow! ;-)

If anyone has some hatching eggs that they would be willing to donate please let me know, I would be very grateful. Also, if you have some to sell I would also possibly be interested if they aren't too expensive.

Thank you in advance!
Laura Lee

Also interested in where you are. I can donate some colorful eggs, some purebreds and some not.
That would be great! I had someone else lined up that is now unable to donate. I am in Oak Ridge, looks like you are about 2 hours away though.
I have 5 eggs due to hatch this weekend. I got them from a girl I work with. She has some Marans, Barred Rocks, various banties, and a few Buff Orpingtons. I have one hen that I got from her with my group and love how big she is (she'd make a great table bird but she won't know that when it happens) and look forward to a few more. I was looking to add a few to my flock and it worked out well. I also have some turkey eggs coming this weekend so I'll be taking chicks out and putting them in. Looking forward to all the feathered babies. :D

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