North Carolina

Your Welcome....
what day are you at?

Day 1
Good morning all! Yeap, going into lockdown again today!!
More of my English orps and some bantam orps too! Now if these guys would just hurry up and grow up already...
I have great things to say about Cochins and Wyandottes. They are so gentle and just lovely and fantastic!

I would stay away from a Red Island Red roo, but that's about all I can contribute to the other choices.
Neeley~~so sorry you & your girl are going through "is" always the one you love the most

Can't find any major damage from the big storm yesterday....wish Matt would post & let us know he came through it okay.

Woke up to 4 new fuzzy butts~~2 Partridge, 1 Lav, & 1 Lav split....4 more have pipped. Thought this hatch was going to be a total loss due to multiple bator problems

Miss keeping up with everyone on here, but things should settle down soon. My sweet hubby is having out-patient surgery friday, so hopefully, he won't get deathly ill anymore. He won't be able to come to the Morganton show saturday, but I still have to come and deliver a few birds....hoping to have at least a few minutes to see some of my BYC friends.

You'll take care
WOW! THANK YOU!!! This is a huge, huge help. I don't want to make the poor little girl worse, I'm just starting to get the feeling that if I don't do something, she's not going to make it much longer. Goodness, wish you and Lydia could come on over and help me with this!
If you do happen to find the name of the syringe you mentioned, could you send it my way? Sounds like that is the route I should go. Not sure how to ask for it at TSC though? THANK YOU!!

Lydia-Thanks for the support! I was really hoping she would be better by now too, chickens are not for the squeamish, that's for sure! I love broodies, there just isn't anything cuter then a hen w. chicks!

Ugh, sad morning. My little Olive Egger isn't doing well. Here's what I posted on her "Emergencies" thread:

Thanks for the sweet messages, it was a rough night and rough morning. She's not doing well. I cut down into what should be the core, but nothing. Just flesh. She was great during the whole procedure, cooing at me the whole time. The best I can tell, it must be a tumor or growth of some kind. There just simply was no infection that I could find, no bad smell, no oozing junk, just flesh.

This morning she isn't walking and has no appetite. I got her to drink a little and forced her to eat a little but I don't think it will be long until I lose her.

Sad morning here. Why does it always have to be your favorites that seem to have the problems? I hatched out two of her babies for the New Year's hatch, so that's some comfort.

Have to get myself together. Crying at my desk over a chicken in an office work environment. Ugh.

I am saying a little prayer for her.
Hang in there....
Morning everyone! I just set 30 quail eggs this morning! Not sure how it will turn out though, my DD's preschool class is managing the incubator
Here we go again!
What do you think I should so? I set 19 eggs at 8:40am it is now 11:30am. It is holding steady at 93.2 Should I rise the temp a little, or wait it out? The humidity is at 38 right now

I am hatching in a little giant.
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Did you just set or are they in lockdown? If you just set, give them a bit more for the eggs to warm up which may bring the bator temp up too. You humidity may need to come up some though, at least in the high 40's, so you may want to add some water. Can you do that without having to open it all the way up?
Neeleys - I am sending big hugs
and prayers your way. While I don't have chickens (YET) I do understand how any animal can tug at your heart strings and especially those that we are most fond of. If there is anything we can do, please let us know.

ML - I hope you have the "strength" to make it through TS empty handed (or at least sans fowl).

BHep - Thank you for the clarification. These b/b/s/ things still get me confused. I find myself searching for explanations and come up with some INTERESTING things...Glad to know I can go straight to BYC and get some definite answers!

Really, 50 chickens??
SWEET!! I think for now I will settle for a few...until I get the hang of it!! Then perhaps let one of the girls go broody and have a turn at being a mama!! OOhh...If I have a mixed flock, does it really matter (if I am not planning on selling the chicks) what breed of roo I get vs the breed of the hen?
It's official...I am NOWHERE NEAR ready for that task...yet!
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