North Carolina

We could make it a chicken sanctuary and all us crazy chicken fanatics could live there and take care of them...
we'd each have our own little "coop" and we'd each have a gemongeous chicken coop for the chickens..
As long as I don't get emu's! or their eggs..................

Oh Gavin, did I tell you I have these beautiful silkies...that hatch from these pretty green eggs...
As long as I don't get emu's! or their eggs..................

Oh Gavin, did I tell you I have these beautiful silkies...that hatch from these pretty green eggs...

Em, do you think my name is Homer Simpson???
Oh Gavin, did I tell you I have these beautiful silkies...that hatch from these pretty green eggs...

Em, do you think my name is Homer Simpson???


Hey, it was worth a shot right?!?!
Matt - I am so sorry to hear about Sandy.
I hope your talk with your neighbor goes well. I am thankful we do not have dogs nearby (that I am aware of at least)...which is good, because I am NOT a fan of dogs (sorry if you have dogs).

BHep - thank you for helping me to sort out all this confusion!!

Em -
hoping you feel better soon!!

Anxious to hear about the hatching that's going on...and of course I'm waiting on pins and needles for pictures!!

Neeleys -
Just wanted you to know that we're keeping you (& your precious girl) in our thoughts and prayers. Please keep us posted on her progress.
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Has BHep posted pics today? or Story or Daddys or even Ht? where oh where are our pictures for the day? And Matt I am very sorry about Sandy give your mom a big hug from all of us...

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