North Carolina

No idea how that could have happened. That is more then just a toenail. Keep it clean and keep doing what you are doing. I would get some vet-wrap and use a piece to wrap the toe. Avoid red or green colored tape.

Story so sorry about your Andi,
No idea how that could have happened. That is more then just a toenail. Keep it clean and keep doing what you are doing. I would get some vet-wrap and use a piece to wrap the toe. Avoid red or green colored tape.


Miss Lydia, I thought it was just the nail also, but started looking and comparing and its about gone at the second knuckle from the tip...I have stopped teh bleeding and will keep an eye out for her, I have isolated her because some of the others were pecking at it...We shall see...

did get some tape Matt...White....I'll see how long my wrapping job will last...
Thanks y'all ! On a brighter note I will be giving my niece a brand new coop and two birds to go in it! This is a surprise, and she has no idea. After seeing her hold a lil rooster "opie" last year, it's been my mission! She is the oldest of three and has been through alot! I think her happiness will bring my spirits up for sure. Thanks again for your compassion.

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