North Carolina

HenThymes pretty birds for sure.

I really am looking forward to getting past the 10 post requirement so I can send a pic of this suposed Orphington. She has some Orp features but her legs/feet are not white like yours.

Checking in here from the library.... my satilite at home is in need of repair
I can't understand why, it is brand new !!! I have Hughesnet and have not been happy with the service from the get go. I have a 2 yr contract up in Jan 2012.
So repairs will be within the next 5-7 business days.
and so on....

I work from home so I guess I have a few days off
I think I will go with an aircard when I can cancel hughesnet or MAYBE there will be fiberoptics installed by then. I am 2400 ft from the nearest fiberoptic line to get REAL internet

Well.... on a happy note : I hatched out 6 Magpie ducklings, 2 blue & 4 black. And 25 chicks from my birds.

Sad news... 1 of the Magpies was born with no eyes.
I am having serious trouble with this one. Its healthy and can find the food & water. You would never know it has no eyes. My first thought was cull, but my kids & mom are all against me. I guess I will give " Blind Bob" a chance.
I hope I'm not making a mistake....another mistake, since I make plenty.
Oh Beth I am so sorry, but I have to go with mom and kids, give it a chance. congrats on the great hatch though. looking forward to pictures. and by the way with 3 kids to help you I'm sure they give it all the help it needs.
Hughes net huh? We have WildBlue because we live too far off the road to get Cable Internet. It's a love hate relationship. Mostly hate, cause it's expensive, it goes out every time we have a storm, and it has slow speeds compared to Cable. We love it cause it is the best we can get.

Hope your net is fixed soon. We've missed ya! Grats on the BYC spirit award!
Thanks.... all I keep thinking, is there are blind people & animals all over, give it a chance. My DDs will be carrying this little one around in a purse.

I will get some pictures tonight. I will be back on tomorrow unless a repairman shows up today, which I doubt!
My chicks are three weeks today and with many efforts at keeping them IN their "brooding area" they continue to escape... do you think it is still too soon to move them outdoors? The weather here has been pretty good.... Maybe I will just get some netting to drap over the tops
My house is full of fuzz and the "dust" from them is starting to bug me..
I love my chicks but this mess in my house seems like a never ending battle!
do you have a place set up for them out doors where they will be out of drafts cold and rain? and where they can still have acsess to a heat lamp? then you might could. what are your night time temps?
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Afternoon all! Thought I would share a few pics I took today of my blue bantam orp pullet. I will be starting her show career this fall, she is just gorgeous in person.



Miss Lydia- Lately around the 50's for nighttime temps. .. we had one night in the last 2 wks where it went down to the 40s... Daytime temps (not sure how much different it is your way) have been close to the 90's.. Our coop is in progress... I am hoping the DH can get it done for the end of the week. If he can that is when I would move the "kids" lol.. Coop will be a metal storage shed. We are cutting some holes in and adding windows.. ( I would prefer not to use the metal shed but thats what the hubby wants to start with) Purchased a fan the other day to put in one of the windows to help along circulation. There is an overhead (dim) light and one outlet... I can put the heat lamp in if need be. I told the hubby I want them out and he does too but I told him I refuse to put them out there until EVERYTHING is set up and ready!.. lol... He has the tendancy to let things sit and wait for the last possible second.. So if he wants them out it HAS to be ready

They do have a good amount of there feathers.. some more than others..

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