North Carolina

theres a couple on here from Charlotte area, names are Gavin & Allison, they have Barred Rocks. maybe PM them.

Speaking of, where have they been lately???
Did they forget about their "peeps"! JK.
Looks like a great bandage. If her bone is broken, I would add a split. the goal to immobilze the joint above and below the break to keep it from moving so it will heal faster. you can do this by taking a peice of coat hanger and and shaping it to the leg along the outside part, place it right over the bandage you have made and add some more wrapping. It will provide some support and hopfully lessen any pain. Good luck with her.



Could I use a pencil? We only have plastic hangers in the house. I also set up a Chick Chair for her, which I think has helped her a little.
I know someone that used a PVC pipe split down the middle. The pipe was larger then then leg. They placed some padding inside and placed a piece on each side of the leg. Then they taped the pieces together.

Anything you can use that is stiff to support the leg will work. I would put the bird on an antibiotic to prevent secondary infection.

Hi! I found these people on D&D Poultry 704-721-4969 They are in Concord NC. I have never bought anything from them so I don't know if they are good or bad. They sell Buff Orpington hatching eggs $4.00/doz and Barred Rock $4.00. They also sell chicks also. I have not been on recently b/c I'm having computer predator issues so I'm just paranoid.

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