North Carolina

Argh! I think our new Ag teacher may have lost her mind! she is planning on taking 40 high school students to the state fair on Thursday with only 2 other chaperones!! She's a new teacher, first year, and has never been to the state fair. They are leaving at 6 am will arrive at 9 and plan on staying until 7 and be home by 10!!!!!!! Holy Toledo!! I've been teaching 10 years and I'm not sure I'd they that!!
She is one brave soul...........and I'd say a bit inexperienced with HS level......on the other hand I'd be happy to drive that bus for the time at the fair
Em - I heard you are coming to the show next weekend - YIPPPPPEEEE .
Can't wait to you you all.



Yup Gavin, DD and I should be there! Anyone want to ride along?
Hi everybody!
sorry I've been absent. I decided to get a flu shot and guess what I GOT THE FLU.

I'm all better now.
Congrats to all you who placed in the fair!
for being able to go!

I REALLY want to go to Morganton to meet some people and learn stuff but alas I still have no car!

Would anyone who lives close by being willing to let me hitch a ride?

On another note my silkies are getting bigger and super fluffy! I love
the so much! I need to post some new pics! O and I'm almost postive the partridge and 1 black are my rooster! They are always chest bumping! Haha
they are such wonderful entertainment!

Hope every one is enjoying the lovely fall weather!
Ideal sent me an email about having a special on the Red Broilers. They are $.99 each. I would REALLY like to try them but I don't need 25. Does anyone in the Raleigh area want to split an order with me??
Em - I heard you are coming to the show next weekend - YIPPPPPEEEE .
Can't wait to you you all.



Yup Gavin, DD and I should be there! Anyone want to ride along?

I wonder how far or if I'm on your way? Cause I would really love to go but have no car!
She is one brave soul...........and I'd say a bit inexperienced with HS level......on the other hand I'd be happy to drive that bus for the time at the fair

Yeah, our AP was surprised when someone jumped at the chance to drive the bus. Usually they have a hard time coercing someone to drive for those loooong trips, but all she had to do is ask once. I'm guessing because it is so far from us someone saw it as a paid for mini vacation!
Good Morning Everyone!!

My chickens have decided to lay 5 eggs every OTHER day and the sole layer on the off day is my beautiful Tabitha...who is still very shy. I think she gets picked on because she's the only white one...therefore, I need - no NEED another white hen!!

I hope everyone is doing well. We planned to be without my sewing machine for TWO WEEKS but the guy called already and said he had it fixed!!
I am so excited!! Looks like Thursday or Friday I will be driving all the way out there to pick it up!!

We called the vet on my dear little cat...the news is NOT positive. We have 2 choices and neither are good. We could do exploratory surgery (at a HUGE cost of over $600) which may either kill her, find a problem, or find nothing (50-50 chance). Our other option is just to watch her and hope/pray that she doesn't expire. The vet couldn't feel any blockage, blood work was "normal"...there is nothing to explain why she is vomiting, lethargic and not eating. I know if she continues the way she is going...she will not survive long.
Please keep my little Lizzie in your thoughts and prayers...she's only 5 and is such a loving girl. She was rescued with her "twin sister" (the only two to survive) and when we were looking at them, she was so terrified, she literally crawled down my shirt to hide. I thought she was going to be a cuddle bug (BOY was I WRONG) and we ended up taking both girls home. When I got married, Lizzie was too afraid of my mother (she's a one person cat if you know what I mean) so we separated the girls (she had "married" my old man Wesley anyway) and she has been GREAT ever since...even occasionally sleeping with DD and
cleaning up after her spit ups!!
I am hoping whatever it is, it will pass and she will come out on top, but the vet wasn't too encouraged.
Sorry to bear such bad news... DH trying to cheer me up somehow thought letting me know that Tink is still hanging around and hasn't been adopted yet... LOL nice try but wrong timing....LOL

Have a great day everyone!!

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