North Carolina

It's not their backs that are bare, it's their tail area. I actually thought one of them was rumpless for a second when I first noticed it
. Even odder it is the 2 EE pullets that have the muffs and beards too. Hopefully it is just pecking order being established.

A couple of my pullets went through what I guess was a mini-molt and lost their tail feathers and a couple other little spots. Could that be it?????

They are only 16 weeks old. I kind of doubt it is a molt. I'm thinking it is just a pecking order thing right now. May be boredom related too but not sure really.
hope you enjoy your new home and chics!

Morning everyone.... Bet most of you are bathing your silkies and other prize baby's... Lord I only have two silkies whom I love a ton. They take the same amount of time as a full size German shepard to wash and dry... Funny both look hilarious when wet too! My roo likes to lay on his side in the tub??? He's a funny one.

Happy Birthday Gavin**

I found washing a small silkie hen much much easier than my 100 pound German Shepherd Dog - Stewie -- LOL It is worth 60.00 for the professional to do him. I do hope our little Cupcake
does well tomorrow. She is inside of course after her bath - she is dry and I did try a small amount of baby powder on her head , it has helped. She is such a mud loving girl she has stains but
we did our best and for first timers I think we did ok. Even if she does not win tomorrow she is our number one baby girl and we adore her and yes she is a little spoiled brat - Thanks again to Sandie for feeding my Silkie addiction , it has been a super experence so far. Allison
p.s. cant wait for a browie Matt

x2...Although I am surprised that's all, are you SURE you counted everyone??
Glad to know you are willing to share the "wealth" or is it "addiction"??
Let me know if you need help with treating them all...I'm sure DD would LOVE to come and play!!

Hmm...I'm not sure if that's the contraption or not...I tend to avoid mine at all costs lest the DH find out I actually CAN use one. If that happened, it would ruin my whole image, and we have to keep up appearances around here!!

Just wanted to thank you all for your well wishes/prayers. The repair man stopped by and in a matter of 20 minutes was able to get the motor on the tiller up and running again. Best part - he charged me NOTHING!! Said I only had it a month...used it for less than 10 minutes, it was still NEW in his mind!! He was SO nice!! He probably spent a good 5 minutes talking to me about my (beautiful) chickens and property!! He was originally from FL and use to have 100 chickens although Cubans call them something else he translates to "fighting bird" in English, although he said he didn't fight them and doesn't know how/why it translates that way. Funny how things are one way in a native tongue and completely different in another! Anyway, I wanted to share this GREAT news with you!!
Hi Everyone....

I have not posted anything in a while here...but I just wanted to let you all know that I have Swedish Flower Hen chicks for sale....if anyone is interested here in NC, they are for pick up only. My flock of SFH are from Greenfire Farms.

You can visit my website to see some pics and video of the mama's and papa's that the chicks came from the website is
As you will see we have crested on non crested chickens. PM me with any questions.
Good Morning Everyone!! Hope you all have a great day!!

GOOD LUCK at Morgantown today Gavin & Allison!! (Pst...Allison, enjoy that brownie for me too please!!

Those of you who are going to Morgantown, enjoy the show and take LOTS of pictures for the rest of us!!

Sure hope everyone has a great time at the show or with whatever they are doing today!!
Best of luck Galvin & Allison.

Everyone have fun !!

Wormed the Guineas this morning, they decided to sleep in the coop last night, I am glad they are smart enough to realize it is too cold & nasty out to spend the night in the trees. Waiting on info for worming the ducks & geese.

The wormer is obviously working....
They are expelling the worms all over. We are running around with a cat litter scooper cleaning up.

Lost some more chicks
1 Lav. Amer. squished
They have a heat lamp...I do not understand !!! 3 mixed chicks...2 mystery deaths & 1 was hung up in his mamas feathers. I have NEVER seen that! Literally hung himself in her butt fluff.
And 1 bantam Marans. Just failure to thrive.. all 4 died, 1 after the other.

I MAY be bringing some inside tonight. It is going to be in the 30s. Not sure.... can't see leaving them to get squished.

Planned to go to a little car show & market day in town, have to find out if it is canceled due to the weather or not.

Today is a stay in PJs and watch TV/ read day.

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