North Carolina

I love the idea for the homemade bath salts! Do you have a ratio for sugar to Epsom salt?? And how do you mix the eo without dissolving the salts? Sorry! Now you've peaked my interest! I was thinking of doing some flavored cooking oils in fancy jars. Our jalapeño and salsa verde plants went nuts this year, I thought they'd make good decorative/flavored oils. Have you ever done those?
Guess what!?!? PIPS!!!!!!!! My little Silkies are hatching!!!! Over a week earlier than originally planned, as I suspected after candling!
Oh I'm worried and hope they hatch ok!!!! I'm so glad they're running ahead of schedule - I'm ready for my Esme to get off the nest and eating and drinking. The poor girl looks pitiful - her comb and wattles are all dull and droopy and sad looking! Ohhh I hope she's a good momma!

We did a little Halloween re-do tonight at my parents house so they could see the boys all dressed up and give them their treats. And so Liam could check out the jack-o-lanterns he helped my dad with! Here's the little guy!

And here's my big tiger!

Hope to have pics of my new chickies in the morning!!!

Oh, and NH - yes, I'm pretty sure you're days last much longer than mine. You have some awesome ideas there!
Wild - love the pics!
Ally - glad you found your hen!!!!
vfem - get feeling better!!!
Wowzers - a quadruple post! Sorry guys!

BUT - I just had to run out and check one more time and I HAVE ONE CHICK!!!!!!!!! I hope the other hatches but I'm so thrilled to now officially be a Silkie owner! The little one was still all new and wet so I'll be excited to get a good look in the morning! Pics for sure!!!

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Just found this thread I'm in Dobson about 10 miles from the VA line close to I-77


I'm interested in finding some marans blue birchen, blue wheaton, blue copper and some olive eggers
all new flockers, what kind of babies ya got?

for babies hatching, and when you have a thrid chick of your own, you'll have to make it a bear."lions, tigers, and bears, oh my!" lol

glad you got your hen back Ally
SCM: Lions and tigers and chickens, oh my!! Cute kitties! My two youngest were transformers. They had a blast, I hope yours did too. Congrats on your new silkies! I've been curious about getting some. You'll have to let me know how everything goes and I'll live vicariously through you until I can get some myself!

Kenneth and Paige:

Vfem: I hope you feel better today! Do you have allergies?

Anyone know why I suddenly can't upload pics?? They are in a jpeg format but BYC says they are in the wrong format and won't let me load them?!?

and CONGRATS on your 1st Silkie !
dull & floppy wattles ok for now... once she gets up & starts eating all will be fine.

Paige & Kenneth. Paige, I'm not too far from you

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