North Carolina

x2 Wild.... even a still game camera, they even have them at Walmart.
the NERVE of some people. And he IS lucky he is not full of pellets, but then you would have had your proof.

Certainly lock the door and maybe a sensor light or something.
Thank guys I will defintly be putting in a game cam!
And the only reason that little punk isn't full of pellets is because I already have motion sensor lights!

There is only one place he came from and that's the trailer park down the road. And I won't go in there looking cause I'm liable to end up full of pellets!

Anyhow if anybody close by has maybe 1 or 2 PQ cochins that I could buy as friends for my little lily, she is 3months! I would be very greatful! She is sadly all alone at the bottom of the pecking order now!

Vfem, hope all is well today!

WRW I am with Beth! I can't imagine walking onto someone else's property and stealing a pet or farm animal!! Some people.....
. So sorry that happened, but glad you caught him! Good luck with the game cam. If you don't want to shoot him for real, you could always paint ball him. Large gauge would be hard to wash completely out quickly and might lead a drippy trail to where he headed after! Not to mention therapeutic for you!!
I'd have just held him at gunpoint and called the police..........

Trust me Gavin I tried he looked so scared but he THREW my Lil lily and I became more focused on finding her!
I just had a very long discussion with the sheriff and because in this county chickens are neither pets nor livestock, there is nothing can do besides charge him with tresspassing

It makes me wonder though what the parents thought when he brought home my other two cochins, they aren't exactly common in this county! I miss them
Well, WRW, unlucky for you welcome to my world. Mine have been under pad locks for a few years due to two being stolen and a thrid attempted. Hopefully you scraed him enough that he won't be back and word will get out that you got a gun and not to mess with you!

to all new flockers.

congrats beth on the pretty new ducks
if they need a new home let me know cause I am sad the blues are boys, but lav aint bad and dad wont say no
if I dig that hole

G&A pretty pics, look like most of mine (half a chicken and mostly fluffy buttoms

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