North Carolina

everyone! Hope you're all doing well!

Bhep - Congrats! You're awesome! Hope he's getting settled in and loving life on your farm!

NH - I'm a softy when it comes to possums. I got to work with tons of them at Piedmont Wildlife Center and they are really easy to handle and pretty docile. There was one big old fat possum that had been there a while who would snore so loud!!! He was too funny. And the poor little babies are so cute and sweet! If your chickens are secure enough that the possum can't get to them then I'm with ML and my softy vote would be to leave it alone, but that's just me! But I haven't had one try to get my chickens yet so that's easy for me to say!

vfem - Sorry about your girl! I wonder what happened!?!

Oh, and NH - I cooked a turkey in the crock pot a couple days ago and it turned out really awesome! Super easy. Plus that frees up your oven for other stuff!

Em - Heard you had a trip to the hospital! Hope you're doing ok and all is well!

Night all!
Someone please tell me why I am up AND on the PC at 12:30 at night.

We have also cook our turkey in the Reynolds bags. Yum !

Hi Em...glad you stopped by. Hope you are feeling better.

doubleA.. I am a single mom but fortunately I work from home.

My view on possums.... I think they are cute. I suspect if they get hungry they will eat chicken. But since he is getting fed cat food.
They are supposed to eat bug, I thought. I am SURE he is not the only one around.
Beth, that is awesome! I am so jealous! I was up too, just still in denial about getting any sleep! I'm waiting for scores on a test/licensing process for extra accreditation for teachers. Entries were due April and scores were supposed to be in yesterday afternoon but due to comp failures on their end scores are postponed until an undetermined time. I haven't slept in two nights I'm so wound up!! At least you'd have had someone to talk to if I'd logged in!
vfem, so sorry to hear about your girl ...

and dt, wish you were closer we have processed our extra roos but never a duck or turkey. that would be informative.

cold here too 24* brrr.
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Good Frigid morning everyone!! I have YET to warm's COLD out there, BRRR!! Try to stay warm!!

Thanks for the opossum advice, I suppose I will decide what to do to/with it IF we see it again on the porch. I was just rather concerned as I did not know if they are aggressive or not and DD LOVES animals, she hasn't learned yet not to run up and try to pick up the cat (we're working with her, but she is only 15mo). I thought if cornered it would play dead, but this one hissed which was unsettling to me. Regardless, we don't have a gun, so our only option right now is to either keep feeding it (no thanks) or only put the food out during the day and pick it up at night. Hopefully all the yummy fruit and veggie remains that we pile in the compost will be enough to entice it to stay away from the house!!

So I just got an email from our co-op that detailed all of the food we ordered for the holidays, including our turkey. Um...I had NO idea turkeys could get SO BIG!! There will only be 4 people (4.5 if you count DD...haha) and the turkey is a whopping 22 POUNDS!! I don't even know if that thing will FIT in my oven.
Looks like I am going to be making all my side dishes in the crock pot or on the stove!!
Anyone want to come over for leftovers??

DoubleT - I wish I was closer to you so I could have a lesson in processing!! We're thinking about ordering a stock freezer so we can stock up our fruits and veggies next year (as well as our extra roos) but we don't know where to put it!! We have a screened in porch which would work great in the winter, but not sure how much of an energy hog it will be in the summer!!
Suggestions?? We have no space inside for it, so it would have to either go on the deck or the porch or not at all!!
Well good luck processing anyway!!

BHep - Those pens look so nice!!
Care to come over and do the same with ours??
I have PLENTY of turkey to share!!
I may steal your idea for a roost by the way!! Our chubbies keep breaking the roost and then sleep all huddled on TOP of the nesting boxes, filling the boxes with poo and then none of the girls want to lay their eggs in there!!

Vfem -
I am so sorry for your loss!!

Big day today!! I have last minute grocery shopping to do and then plan, plan, plan and prep for Thanksgiving!! I may even bake myself a cake ('s my birthday) IF I feel up for the task. I have my menu started and will finish it before I go shopping and I plan to prep as much as I can so there is very little to do on Thursday except to cook and enjoy the company!! I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!

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