North Carolina

I learned some very helpful information today that I wanted to share. Lake Wheeler Veterinary Hospital in Raleigh sees chickens!!!! And it doesn't cost a fortune. I took one of my girls there this morning because she probably needs to be put down.
Since they see "exotic" animals, I had the vet check her out first before we did it. Dr. Grant (who is super nice, btw) thinks she may have a neck injury. Gave her a steroid shot and told me what to watch for and how to treat her for a while. She wants me to call her tonight to check in, and then again in the morning. If my sweet hen isn't showing signs of improvement, then she recommends putting her down. My visit today was only $50 ($30 for the exam and $20 for the shot). They told me it would be $40 to put her down. Well worth it to us. DH put the last one down and it was horrible. He said he'd gladly pay a vet to do it. So, don't think the only place to see chickens is the Avian and Exotic Animal Care place in North Raleigh.
Is everyone sleeping in today ?

I wish...I was up with RF....apparently 5 am is the magical wake up time!!
However, I think we were up for different reasons!! My BH contractions started and I am just LOVING it...NOT!! Only 10 more weeks...10 more weeks!! So a side note...only 10 more weeks until Easter & Spring!!
Now if only my cochins would go broody we could have spring chicks!! Hehe... Okay, perhaps that wouldn't be the best time to have chicks...

I spent my morning doing 2 completely losing track of time searching for recipes, decorating and gardening ideas on Pinterest (dangerous website!!) and then DD decided today that she is going to learn to use the big girl potty. Wish us luck, we've had a few accidents so far!! We are doing the naked baby method
much easier to clean up! I don't know why but she literally sat on her potty half the morning reading books and gets up from it, walks over to the rocker where I have the clorox wipes and paper towels and says, "Ut Oh" and stares at the big puddle at her feet. Really?? LOL. Then she asks (signs) for her diaper to be put back on so she can go nap. 20 minutes later she is giggling, I walk in, her bed is soaked, the diaper is off!!
I can tell this is going to be a LONG process!! Maybe she just likes being "o'natural"!! Dinner for tonight is going to be Coconut Curry Chicken & broccoli!! Let's hope it turns out well this time.

DoubleT - I vote for a southern staple: Pecan Pie!!
I learned some very helpful information today that I wanted to share. Lake Wheeler Veterinary Hospital in Raleigh sees chickens!!!! And it doesn't cost a fortune. I took one of my girls there this morning because she probably needs to be put down.
Since they see "exotic" animals, I had the vet check her out first before we did it. Dr. Grant (who is super nice, btw) thinks she may have a neck injury. Gave her a steroid shot and told me what to watch for and how to treat her for a while. She wants me to call her tonight to check in, and then again in the morning. If my sweet hen isn't showing signs of improvement, then she recommends putting her down. My visit today was only $50 ($30 for the exam and $20 for the shot). They told me it would be $40 to put her down. Well worth it to us. DH put the last one down and it was horrible. He said he'd gladly pay a vet to do it. So, don't think the only place to see chickens is the Avian and Exotic Animal Care place in North Raleigh.

So sorry to hear that there is something wrong with one of your sweet girls!!
Hoping everything turns out for the best!! Thank you for sharing the info on the hospital, even if it was under these circumstances.
Put it down? what ever happened to eating them? maybe it's just me but that seems to be a waste of something useful.
On another note, all the chickies are more active and not pooping blood!

the constuction in the pen has come to a comfortable stopping place AKA no more big construction stuff!
If I'm up to it I'll take pictures when I go for my clean out after work.
My recipe idea uses more eggs!

Mychickensrock, it took me 2 years to get the nerve up to "put down" my own chickens and eat them except if they are sick.

Newhomesteader201, good luck with the potty training! Messy but worth it!

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