North Carolina

You guys have REALLY made me go garden crazy (and its only January) so I've been out digging, splitting, pruning, moving, weeding and in the long run... destroying my back! I've put so much into this yard over the years I even shock myself at what I've managed to do with my bare hands, barely any $$$ and up until moving here... generally been black thumbed!

So today I started the design phase for the west side of my house. I need privacy, don't want to do a fence and need to make use of plants I have on hand mainly.

Here's the pictures and plan on my blog:

Let me know what you think and any suggestions you have. There are before and 'after plan' pictures right there.

Now back out to see if its too early to plant potatoes... you'd be amazed what I get away with this time of year. :D
Sorry about you ill bird MCR

Glad to hear yours is doing better Luke

I was going to get peas in this week, but the animals have different plans! They think playing chase, fence fixing and making a pen is better than peas.
But you gotta love them.
Sorry to heatr your girl isn't feeling better this evening MCR,
maybe by morning

All the best New in potty training.!!!

and pecan pie does sound awful good!!

Vfem I love your design it is very nice!
So while DH was at the school with Logan (DS#1) for his speech therapy, Korbin(DS#2) and I fed the critters. I fed the dog, let the goats out, then got the feed for the chickens ready. Got into the chicken pen and put their feed in their feeder then looked around for eggs. The 2 RIRs we have are approximately 31-32 weeks old by my calculations. So technically they should be of laying age but we have seen no eggs yet.
When I was done in the chicken lot I was attempting to get out and had a problem. Our chicken lot has a gate lock on it and we had hooked up a string so that we could open it from the inside too. There are also 2 pieces of wood on the outside of the door that were what kept the door closed before we put the latch on it (they could be turned to keep the door shut). Well I pulled the string to open the gate latch and it broke!
So I figured out how to put my hand through the wire enough to get the latch open, then go to push the door and it won't open. Korbin was standing outside the door and has turned one of the wood pieces and keeping the door from opening. I tried to tell him how to turn the wood to allow the door to open, but he kept getting it wrong.
So I'm standing there waiting on DH to get home so that I can be rescued from the chicken coop! About the time DH pulled into the drive way I figured out how to move the pieces of wood so that I could open the door.
After all that I was able to feed the goats.

We are planning to work on the nesting boxes this weekend to make them more appealing. Actually there is a lot we plan to get done this weekend hopefully. We have to get Christmas decorations, and canning supplies took to storage, the dog's lot really needs to be cleaned out as well. Hopefully it all gets done. We have been saying the Christmas decorations are going out to the building for 2 weeks now, yet they are still sitting in the living room taking up space!
Sorry about you ill bird MCR

Glad to hear yours is doing better Luke

I was going to get peas in this week, but the animals have different plans! They think playing chase, fence fixing and making a pen is better than peas.
But you gotta love them.

Bre cleaned coops on Tues............ YUP !!! Never secured the Pheasant cage (inside the barn) both took off.........she caught the male, female is MIA.
The only feed stores that I know of in Fayetteville is Family Farm and Southern Gin and Grain. They just sell. If you want one that makes, you gotta go to Benson, Mule City Feed.

Mule city only makes "Mash" They sell Nutrena pellets for layers and starter medicated and non for chicks. They do mix their per own scratch. If you have Horse they make a wonderful 10% protein and 10% fat textured feed --called M1 and a 14% protein pellet --Super stock. Been going there for years and years.
Evening folks...........good to see everyone having a good day.........except for escapees and sick ones and potty
training....been there.....glad it's over
Feel for you NH.

I'm up no later than 5 in the morning and gone to work by 6 so posting for me until I get home around 6:30.
Sometimes by the time I get to here you all have written a book for me to read.
Hard for me to remember everything
by the time I get to post so please forgive if I missed you but I promise I am thinking of ya. Glad to hear you are feeling better
Luke and Double......a good southern treat that will use eggs.....Red Velvet cake with merangie for a topping and sour cream
icing for a filler between the layers.
I'm sure it's going to be a tasty meal. Hope you find your pheasant Beth. What cuties those
babies are Mary.....congrats.
MCR.....hope your hen gets better and thanks for the tip about the vet.
So while DH was at the school with Logan (DS#1) for his speech therapy, Korbin(DS#2) and I fed the critters. I fed the dog, let the goats out, then got the feed for the chickens ready. Got into the chicken pen and put their feed in their feeder then looked around for eggs. The 2 RIRs we have are approximately 31-32 weeks old by my calculations. So technically they should be of laying age but we have seen no eggs yet.
When I was done in the chicken lot I was attempting to get out and had a problem. Our chicken lot has a gate lock on it and we had hooked up a string so that we could open it from the inside too. There are also 2 pieces of wood on the outside of the door that were what kept the door closed before we put the latch on it (they could be turned to keep the door shut). Well I pulled the string to open the gate latch and it broke!
So I figured out how to put my hand through the wire enough to get the latch open, then go to push the door and it won't open. Korbin was standing outside the door and has turned one of the wood pieces and keeping the door from opening. I tried to tell him how to turn the wood to allow the door to open, but he kept getting it wrong.
So I'm standing there waiting on DH to get home so that I can be rescued from the chicken coop! About the time DH pulled into the drive way I figured out how to move the pieces of wood so that I could open the door.
After all that I was able to feed the goats.

We are planning to work on the nesting boxes this weekend to make them more appealing. Actually there is a lot we plan to get done this weekend hopefully. We have to get Christmas decorations, and canning supplies took to storage, the dog's lot really needs to be cleaned out as well. Hopefully it all gets done. We have been saying the Christmas decorations are going out to the building for 2 weeks now, yet they are still sitting in the living room taking up space!

Glad you managed to get out.
It's always fun to try to explain to a 3 year old how to help you out, and not having him figure it out!
After I got out I discovered that there was a piece of wire that was attached to the gate lock latch that I could have pulled to open the gate. I hadn't been the one feeding the chickens for a while and certainly hadn't been inside the lot for a while so I didn't know about the new opener line.

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