North Carolina

x2 So happy to say that the HVAC guy will be coming by sometime today to look at our system and hopefully repair it without bleeding us dry!!
Chicken updates: Mamma and baby are officially in the coop with the rest of the flock. The best part...she chased both boys away from her as they were trying to "visit" with her and she was having NONE of it.
Just out of curiousity...when will she begin to lay again? Will I have to worry about that anytime soon? Maybe she'll go broody again for me and I can get a bunch of cool eggs from people and hatch fun stuff. LOL. On a side note...this baby appears to be part cochin as DH says it has "fluffy feet". It's interesting in color, as the wings are continuing to blacken and she/he is turning an interesting "yellow-ish" color. I LOVE BABIES!! to lie by a fan and hopefully sweat off more baby weight!!
Mama will start laying when baby is about 5-7 weeks old.
Hey everyone, just popping in for a moment, still trying to catch up after Chickenstock last weekend, just spent the last two days cleaning all the pens and dusting everyone.

I wanted to let everyone know that if they are looking or know someone else who's looking I am putting a couple of my LF flocks up for sale.

Gold Cuckoo Marans flock - just coming 6 months old and the girls as laying. 1 Gold cockerel, 1 Gold pullet, 1 black copper pullet and 2 "Gold Salmon" pullets.

Ameraucana/EE flock - not quite a year old and the girls lay almost daily! These are full am's just from a mixed color group so they are considered ee's. They all have beards and muffs. 1 cockerel and 2 pullets.

Have a few bantams available still as well.
Black mottled cochin hen - very sweet
a couple white bantam orp juvi trios
two adorable misc. cockerels one clean legged, one feather legged
I am also parting with my Bantam Gold Comet flock - 1 cockerel & 4 pullets

Well I better get back to the yard, those weeds aren't going to pull themselves.
Hey guys, I lost a chicken today. I wish I could say it was to a predator but I can't. It was due to my own negligence, naievity, and belief that my dogs would never do anything to them. I was sorely wrong. I walked out to see my Dane with a feather on her mouth, figured she had just licked it off the ground, only to turn the corner and see a dead chicken. I can't blame the dog, it's completely my fault and a hard lesson learned. I just don't know how I can ever look at her again the same way. :'(

My DD is taking it well, but my son is still at school. I don't look forward to breaking the bad news to him. He is such a sensitive little guy. I'm still debating on whether I want to replace her or just stick with 3 now. Her sister is going to miss her I'm sure.

Thankfully DH is going to take the body into the woods for me I tried to burry her but there are too many roots to get deep enough where I tried to burry her.

I'm gonna miss our Dot. She was such a sweet chicken and the one I would go to if I wanted to pick one up. Thankfully she was the chicken chosen to be mone and not one the kids chose as theirs. Not that it makes that much difference.
NOT having a good day!!
DH just got a call from the HVAC people to say they have us on their schedule but they are not planning on coming out today like they said because they just realized that they have no one in our area today, but once they have someone out our way, they will send a person. Oh yeah, they have NO idea when they will have someone out this way. NICE. Back to square one!! UGH I didn't want to say anything, but he didn't want to use the guy that was recommended to me by a fellow BYC'er because he couldn't "check them out". Now we are back to square 1 with no AC and no one in our immediate future coming out to check on it for us. I don't like to bad mouth companies, but how could they have been so short sighted? Looks like a LONG HOT weekend is in store for us!!
Keep your fingers crossed & pray that our AC upstairs doesn't fail, as I am going to have to keep the baby up there...she HATES being hot & won't sleep/eat if she's hot!! <sigh> Thanks for letting me vent. We have left a message with the guy that was recommended to to do some research on others and call while we wait. I could just cry!!

Sounds like it's a bad day all around. So sorry for your loss Mouzekin!!
NOT having a good day!! :barnie DH just got a call from the HVAC people to say they have us on their schedule but they are not planning on coming out today like they said because they just realized that they have no one in our area today, but once they have someone out our way, they will send a person. Oh yeah, they have NO idea when they will have someone out this way. NICE. Back to square one!! UGH I didn't want to say anything, but he didn't want to use the guy that was recommended to me by a fellow BYC'er because he couldn't "check them out". Now we are back to square 1 with no AC and no one in our immediate future coming out to check on it for us. I don't like to bad mouth companies, but how could they have been so short sighted? Looks like a LONG HOT weekend is in store for us!! :hit Keep your fingers crossed & pray that our AC upstairs doesn't fail, as I am going to have to keep the baby up there...she HATES being hot & won't sleep/eat if she's hot!! Thanks for letting me vent. We have left a message with the guy that was recommended to to do some research on others and call while we wait. I could just cry!! Sounds like it's a bad day all around. So sorry for your loss Mouzekin!! :hugs
Thanks :confused:g I hope the guy calls you back and says he can make it out there. Reminds me of the Simpsons episode where homer made a refrigerator tent.
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Hey guys, I lost a chicken today. I wish I could say it was to a predator but I can't. It was due to my own negligence, naievity, and belief that my dogs would never do anything to them. I was sorely wrong. I walked out to see my Dane with a feather on her mouth, figured she had just licked it off the ground, only to turn the corner and see a dead chicken. I can't blame the dog, it's completely my fault and a hard lesson learned. I just don't know how I can ever look at her again the same way. :'(
My DD is taking it well, but my son is still at school. I don't look forward to breaking the bad news to him. He is such a sensitive little guy. I'm still debating on whether I want to replace her or just stick with 3 now. Her sister is going to miss her I'm sure.
Thankfully DH is going to take the body into the woods for me I tried to burry her but there are too many roots to get deep enough where I tried to burry her.
I'm gonna miss our Dot. She was such a sweet chicken and the one I would go to if I wanted to pick one up. Thankfully she was the chicken chosen to be mone and not one the kids chose as theirs. Not that it makes that much difference.

Sorry about your hen... hopefully your DS will take it well.

NOT having a good day!!
DH just got a call from the HVAC people to say they have us on their schedule but they are not planning on coming out today like they said because they just realized that they have no one in our area today, but once they have someone out our way, they will send a person. Oh yeah, they have NO idea when they will have someone out this way. NICE. Back to square one!! UGH I didn't want to say anything, but he didn't want to use the guy that was recommended to me by a fellow BYC'er because he couldn't "check them out". Now we are back to square 1 with no AC and no one in our immediate future coming out to check on it for us. I don't like to bad mouth companies, but how could they have been so short sighted? Looks like a LONG HOT weekend is in store for us!!
Keep your fingers crossed & pray that our AC upstairs doesn't fail, as I am going to have to keep the baby up there...she HATES being hot & won't sleep/eat if she's hot!! <sigh> Thanks for letting me vent. We have left a message with the guy that was recommended to to do some research on others and call while we wait. I could just cry!!

Sounds like it's a bad day all around. So sorry for your loss Mouzekin!!

I hope you find somebody to fix that ac before you and your family melts. That sucks that the HVAC company did you that way, especially in this heat.
How is it I have Houdini chick with a death wish!??!

This little black maran chick is like 6 weeks old and has escaped the coop into the yard like 9 times! I'm always chasing and scooping her up to put back but I don't see where she's getting out?! The first few times I noticed loose mesh and staples it all back up, I've found a hole they've dug from scratching left an opening under the run so I filled it and added a brick. Then I find her in the salmon favorelle pen... that one through me for a loop?! Now I find her in the strawberry patch eating happily. All while my cat watches her drooling.

9 times? Seriously, she hasn't been scooped up by a hawk, a dog or a cat. And she keeps getting out and I have NO idea how. Not to mention she's the ONLY one to get out. The EE/Maran cross chicks the same size and age have not managed to get out once. Either they don't notice what she's doing or they are too dumb to figure it out. You would think money see money do with the chickens, they're forever copying each other. Who knows... she's running out of lives though!!!


Also went on Ebay and picked up a set of 20 chicken nipples. I'm sick of the water having to be filled daily because they spill water in a second and if they don't the kick so much dirt into it in a day its mud and not water anymore. Its exhausting, so I'm glad I found a set of 20 nipples shipped for $10. This could so be worth it!!!

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