North Carolina

Good Morning Everyone!

What a lovely rainy morning. I'm soaked from morning chores, and went through several towels getting the Boys fit to come back in. But I'd far rather have the rains we've had than the drought everyone else is having.

HenThymes....Beth has a few of your birds, I think. They are gorgeous! I'll definitely be wanting some of yours!

I'll see what Gavin and Allison have in the way of Dark Brahmas, too. Thanks for the head's up.

Any more??? I do want more than one source for both, just for the different bloodlines.

For the layer pen, the roos will be Easter Eggers. Hens will be EEs, Wyandottes (Gold-laced and BLR both, I think), Rose-comb Brown Leghorns, Welsummers, Barnvelders and Speckled Sussex. That ought to give me a variety of pretty birds to look at and some good egg layers. I'll just get those in from Ideal, and not worry about bloodlines at all.

Planning, planning, planning. But I need to go to work, too.......

Hallow, here is a picture of Biggie taken early July, it took him almost a full year to come thru his molt. I am only growing out a handful of his offspring this year in hopes a few make the grade to start showing this fall in both blue and black. Biggie as well as a black hen and a blue hen (parents of offspring) will still be shown this fall.

Just so you all know... my router died, now my computer is dying... and just to add insult to injury, or central air system died last night too.

New computer is on the way, and new router should be here tomorrow.... AC? unknown! lol
Good morning folks

Wednesday already...........the week is moving
right along. It's been interesting the last two
days getting the bus route straightened out.....
just about the time I think it's done, a new student
shows up and then I have to rearrange it again....

and to think........I get to do this again in another
two weeks with......middleschoolers

hope your day is a good one
Good Morning Everyone!!

Good Luck CSB!! You are far braver than anyone can say...especially with middle-schoolers (Ack...I still remember the year I decided to try teaching middle school English - a HUGE step "down" from college...seemed like I was in another world/universe entirely!! LOL)

So I have missing eggs. The coop has been locked up tight because of a hawk problem, so I am not sure where these eggs went, but I had 6 eggs that were marked and being sat upon by our broody. We decided that she should be nearing her hatch, so we'd better separate her and the other broody....well, when we did so, I noticed ALL the marked eggs were gone. I had assumed that the Maran broody stole the eggs from our BO since the Maran was sitting on over a dozen eggs, but I was wrong! I inspected every single egg (15 in total, although 1 was completely cold, so we took that one away from her) and not one of them was marked. We then moved the Buff, and the whopping 3 she was sitting on were not marked either.
Now the girls have eggs marked with the date we left for vacation, just in case that is when they started actively sitting. I will base my new hatch date from that point forward. So if it all works out...we should have 17 eggs that have the potential of being hatched. I did try (while moving them) to candle, but our flashlight was NOT a good one, and I was trying to hurry so as to not let the eggs cool too much. The funny part...I couldn't see inside the egg with the light!! BOO!! Anyway, I DID TRY!! Proof that we need to buy a better flashlight!! Oh well. Have a great day everyone!!
NH I have trouble keeping a mark on the eggs. I have tried pen, pencil and crayon. So I mark the fat end on the end where it shouldn't rub off to much and remark as needed. Good luck with your hatch
Thank you for the suggestion RF!! I used a marker last night, so we'll see how that goes. LOL, I am sure the fuzzy butts will rub the marker off too!!

I am slightly bummed/annoyed...okay, well I don't know WHAT to feel. I went out this morning to check on chickens and feed them. Before we left, we purchased a bag of feed, for we were afraid of running out while we were gone. I opened the feed bin this morning to find nothing but a white fuzzy film over everything and a stench like you would NOT believe. I am assuming the feed is moldy and rancid and to top it off, our feed store is out of feed!!
I seriously just want to curl up in a little ball and cry!! I am hoping they will get some in stock tomorrow, for if not, I don't know what to do. We have to have special feed for our daughter and I am just beside myself. GRRRRR is all I can say. I am curious as to HOW this happened, as we have NEVER had this happen in our feed bin before. What happens if they've eaten some (note: I did NOT feed them this feed, but I am worried if our sitter might have feed them this and it was moldy for him)?? Is there anything I need to be worried about/looking for?? HELP!! Thanks!! Off to try and track down some soy-free chicken feed!!
Good Morning, Everyone! A late good morning, though. Finally slept last night...and slept in seriously. Then got all the chores done, and ended up on the phone with my MIL for a while.

Today is our anniversary. 31 years today. I find it amazing. We have said for years that the reason we stick together is that there isn't anyone else out there who would put up with either one of us! But I really wouldn't trade him in. I got one of the good guys.

CSB, you are a tough lady to deal with middle schoolers. No way, no how, would I deal with them. Nope. Not happening. One at a time, sure. In packs? Horrors! You are a better woman than I am!

I'm not going in today, as I have company coming on Friday and I have a decidedly dirty house. Must clean the house. My most hated chore ever. Ugh.

Hope everyone has a great day!

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