North Carolina

Baby update: DD#2 seems to be doing better. She is still uncomfortable and irritable, but who wouldn't be with blisters (that praise the Lord have popped and are healing wonderfully well) everywhere. I am still thinking it was a very mild case of chickenpox!! I will trust a seasoned (ie: elderly) mother of 12 over a doctor any day and she said that's what it looked like to her. I think the case was mild enough to not bother DD#1 (then again she did have her first vaccine to it as well, so who knows) and I SHOULD be immune to them (if it was chickenpox). The worst of the blisters have healed wonderfully and there are NO scars... I fear the ones on her hands may scar, but I have been rubbing some coconut oil on them hoping to heal the skin and prevent some scarring.
Funny part she never had a temp over 99.0!! I don't get it, but maybe that just means she has a good immune system (which she did NOT get from me!! LOL)?? Thank you again for all your prayers, thoughts and kind words!!
It just goes to prove that we have the BEST BYC bunch out there!!
I'm very glad Sick Child is better! It's always scary when it's your child and you don't know for sure what you're dealing with and can't Fix It!

RF...try taking a nap when the little one does. It'll be a vacation!
Just wanted to post a quick chick update: As of this morning, a 7th chick has hatched and dried off (so sometime between last night's lock up and this morning)!! There appears to be only 4 eggs left - a 5th looks like it started and stopped although we are not sure as mama is still sitting on the eggs and only gets up to take the biddies for a walk!!
So if you count them all up...that's 10 hatched, 4 still unhatched, 1 half....of the 10 that hatched 2 were partially eaten and 1 was fully hatched but didn't survive. I don't think that's a bad hatch rate when you consider the mama was on a total of 13 eggs at one point. Hoping the rest pop out by tomorrow!!

"Hey! look guys! It's the kid with the blue treat bucket. Runnnnnnnnn!"
Jacob is keeping the birds away from the fence that I was spreading seed on the other side of. If not, hens will jump runs...

Hello, I am happy to see so many happy people doing well today. Chris did get off to school today, and I am glad Jacob has a little later start for K, he was dragging this morn.
to all of the new comers, I have not been on here for long myself. I am right outside of Goldsboro, and the people on here seem to be pretty awesome in my book. The hubby is home today indulging another one of my addictions. He has been picking up hay bales for the green house fall & winter garden. I guess it is not really a different thing from the chickens. The garden give a lot of food to us and the birds alike. I think they get even more than we do! The birds give back to the garden as well.
Finished seeding the run-b that was muddy this morning. I put rye grass, millet, and sun flower in it. They should all bloom early & short this late in the season. This will make for some great ranging/scratching material this fall.
I went to the WCA and thought that I may have been sitting by one of you, but would not have known it! Small world! I did see all he ducks, but I was good, and only went home with 3 birds.
The boys liked the ones that I picked so all is well (even though the hubby told me that if I buy them... they stay there... )

This is Chris (older son) with his 4 little Silkies,and 2 young bantams that he brought home last week. He will still need a few more Partridge pullets to round out the group.

There is a better picture of the 2 bantams. They will join the others in a few weeks when they get a little bigger.

28 yard birds on their way to the WCA!

Is my chicken math getting better?

58 gone, and only 19 brought home during the past 2 weeks.
10 that were brought are on probation; may not be what they were marked???
These below are not all Partridge Plymouth Rocks... I will keep a close eye on them, to identify correct markings before getting rid of any of them. I have one pullet that is in the hen house that I like and want the same. I have 2 cockerels in the bachelor pad that I can compare the males to. I have saved 2 to pick from for mating in the late fall, or early spring.

Have a great day everyone, and don't over do it. I know we are not the only ones with many projects going on!
Sorry about all the ailments & sickness going around... especially with the kids.

I hope all parents & kids, alike.... make it through the first week back to school.... early mornings and long days....

We had to put our ducks into the gated back yard yesterday... as they had been visiting our not-so-nice neighbor lady, next door.
They are adjusting to back yard living... nicely.

Looks like I will be buying a dollar general kiddie pool... sometime in the near future.

DH is building my coop doors today.

Waiting for my new middle schooler to come in the door... any time now. I love looking at your ducks, and kiddie pools from DG work great! We have one too!
there is the door.....
Sorry about all the ailments & sickness going around... especially with the kids.

I hope all parents & kids, alike.... make it through the first week back to school.... early mornings and long days....

We had to put our ducks into the gated back yard yesterday... as they had been visiting our not-so-nice neighbor lady, next door.
They are adjusting to back yard living... nicely.

Looks like I will be buying a dollar general kiddie pool... sometime in the near future.

DH is building my coop doors today.

You seem to have a duck that matches mine in coloring. Maybe you have a name for the color? Heres mine.

Yours looks like a call so not the same breed but no one seems to know what to call my ducks color.... any idea?

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