North Carolina

Black Mountain area. Nice to meetcha all
Hi great to see ya over here!
I am afraid of swaps. You may bring home more than you want. A lot of hens look healthy but are carriers of disease. I,d rather get eggs for hatching. Although Salmaonella, and ms can travel by egg they are less likely. Gloria Jean
alot of diseases can be passed through eggs and buying from an npip flock doesn't help to stop it since the npip doesn't test for them. But if you buy healthy birds and quarantine them for at least a month and stress them so that if the new birds have anything it hopefully shows up and doesn't get your old flock. But that's just my line of thinking. I love going to see whats there and talk with other chicken people
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I am VERY disappointed in a certain BYC member. I asked for fertile eggs. Paid for them, picked them up, stuck them under a broody.... Day 16 is today. I candled, the ones that didnt have life, I cracked. NONE of them were fertile!!! Only ONE egg has a moving baby inside. All the others had blurry blastodisks. I WILL be asking for at least a partial refund because that is ridiculous. I paid for fertile eggs and she gave me one out of 12.

Anyway, that brings my count to 6 living babies out of 19 original eggs.... And due to faulty planning, some arent hatching at the same time so I will have to babysit a few until the others hatch. Oh well, I secretly like having them in my room
I am VERY disappointed in a certain BYC member. I asked for fertile eggs. Paid for them, picked them up, stuck them under a broody.... Day 16 is today. I candled, the ones that didnt have life, I cracked. NONE of them were fertile!!! Only ONE egg has a moving baby inside. All the others had blurry blastodisks. I WILL be asking for at least a partial refund because that is ridiculous. I paid for fertile eggs and she gave me one out of 12.

Anyway, that brings my count to 6 living babies out of 19 original eggs.... And due to faulty planning, some arent hatching at the same time so I will have to babysit a few until the others hatch. Oh well, I secretly like having them in my room

PLEASE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Don't blame the seller. The seller has NO CONTROL as to if/when the birds breed. I sell eggs regularly, I set and hatch from my birds, so I know they are fertile but sometimes you just get a dud. Even if you "see" the birds breeding doesn't mean it takes... JUST SAYING....

There is no way to know
it is a chance you take when buying hatching eggs. Been there done that !!! MANY TIMES .....
PLEASE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Don't blame the seller. The seller has NO CONTROL as to if/when the birds breed. I sell eggs regularly, I set and hatch from my birds, so I know they are fertile but sometimes you just get a dud. Even if you "see" the birds breeding doesn't mean it takes... JUST SAYING....

There is no way to know
it is a chance you take when buying hatching eggs. Been there done that !!! MANY TIMES .....
I understand that... BUT she also sold me a bird with an upper respiratory issue who was covered in lice castings (no bugs but still) She had to have known he was sick, his eye is swollen and gunky and he clicks when he breathes.

And she sold me eggs from a pen she claims to have tested recently for fertility... guess she forgot to mention that it was very low
I understand that... BUT she also sold me a bird with an upper respiratory issue who was covered in lice castings (no bugs but still) She had to have known he was sick, his eye is swollen and gunky and he clicks when he breathes.

And she sold me eggs from a pen she claims to have tested recently for fertility... guess she forgot to mention that it was very low

By paying extra you can have your NPIP flock tested for salmonella,MS/MG etc. I did, Then you know where you are starting from. It does not ensure a clean flock but a better chance of one to know. I had all clean except one weak MS, which I Medicated my whole flock to irradicate. They look good and i feel better knowing they are not nursing one of those terrible diseases.
I found out the hard way not to bring in birds even when they looked clean from other sources. I lost two flocks in the beginning. I will not do that again. Once a chick hits the soil somewhere else I do not want it here.
Next yr. I will again get eggs and hatch them in a hatcher. The chicks will be kept away from my flock for the first 14 weeks at least to ensure they are healthy to add. It is so much more fun to work with a cleanner flock. I keep them in a big run that is covered, when they are out. Yes, I know a bird could fly over and leave me with trouble but I will do my best for my babies. I usually keep a mixed flock of at least a dozen hens and at least one roo. Thats my standard winter num. Next yr it will increase some because of the beautiful hens I have seen lately. I want some more Old German NH, Some SLW's and maybe some real Domingues and Faverolles. It is always buyer be ware when animals and poultry are concerned.
Its a yucky cool drizzly day here. Tomorrow will be better. Have a great day all. Gloria Jean
Good Morning everyone! I hope y'all are staying dry out there and keeping warm. :)

Rookie, I am SO sorry to hear what has happened to you. :hugs

Gloria Jean, how much extra is that?

Have a great day and yes...tomorrow will be a better day! :)
I understand that... BUT she also sold me a bird with an upper respiratory issue who was covered in lice castings (no bugs but still) She had to have known he was sick, his eye is swollen and gunky and he clicks when he breathes.

And she sold me eggs from a pen she claims to have tested recently for fertility... guess she forgot to mention that it was very low
I am so sorry to hear about your bird and eggs. is your bird doing better?
Droopy, my sick bird, has been started on Tylan and is in isolation. I feel bad for him because he is outside in the cold at night but there's nowhere else I can put him that he won't infect my other birds.How often can I give Tylan? Weekly? Daily? My other sick one cleared up after just one shot so I didn't think to ask how often I could give the meds. He is also getting VetRX on his chest and unpasteurised honey in his eye (it helped my other birds eye so hoping it helps his too)
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