North Carolina

Hope you all had a great day!
Been cold here, hasn't gotten above 50 for two days :weee Farmers almanc is predicting snow by halloween for this area :celebrate I love fall & winter! My girls are laying like crazy, getting about 2-2 1/2 dozen eggs a day :D
My two new puppies are doing great with learning the chickens are Friends not Food :fl hoping they continue this way!
Just sold 25 16 week old roosters (bought as straight run, got totally ripped off :he) to a gentlemen down the road. I offered them as free but he insisted on paying me 3$ a rooster. He said “its only fair, they'll feed my family, so take the money to feed yours or feed them pretty birds!” I love old southern gentlemen.

Got question for you call duck owners… I have 3 call ducks in a large open pen with a 3ft long x 1 1/2ft W rubbermaid container stuffed with straw. They also have one of those collapseable(sp?) baby pool, bout 2ft deep. For the winter should I give them a smaller pool or just a drinking dish? And will the rubbermaid be enough warmth or should I figure something else out? This is my first time wintering ducks.
Good morning folks

A rather cool and wet morning but a promise
of it warming up throughout the week.......
sounds like a little of everything this week
so no getting bored with the same old thing

and it's definitely a change from that heat
we had over the summer

hope you have an invigorating day
Good Morning, Everyone!

Looks like winter is on the horizon. Cold and I do not get along well, so I'm waiting for spring already.

Still waiting for the 24th for our turkey tests. I'm debating if I want to try to get chicks in during the winter, or just wait until spring. Can't decide. I could have a winter mostly free of chores if I waited. Six turkeys (if we get to keep them) and a pair of rabbits won't be much chore. The lambs will all go to freezer camp in December. Decisions, decisions.

Enjoy the day, everyone!
Hope you all had a great day!
Been cold here, hasn't gotten above 50 for two days
Farmers almanc is predicting snow by halloween for this area
I love fall & winter! My girls are laying like crazy, getting about 2-2 1/2 dozen eggs a day

My two new puppies are doing great with learning the chickens are Friends not Food
hoping they continue this way!
Just sold 25 16 week old roosters (bought as straight run, got totally ripped off
) to a gentlemen down the road. I offered them as free but he insisted on paying me 3$ a rooster. He said “its only fair, they'll feed my family, so take the money to feed yours or feed them pretty birds!” I love old southern gentlemen.
Got question for you call duck owners… I have 3 call ducks in a large open pen with a 3ft long x 1 1/2ft W rubbermaid container stuffed with straw. They also have one of those collapseable(sp?) baby pool, bout 2ft deep. For the winter should I give them a smaller pool or just a drinking dish? And will the rubbermaid be enough warmth or should I figure something else out? This is my first time wintering ducks.
Does this rubbermaid container have a top? they should be fine as long as they can get out of the wind and snow/rain. and I don't even try to keep a pool going once below freezing sets in, on days when it warm up over 35 I have a cement mixing tub that I put out just for the day for them to bath in. maybe 1X a week. keep a bucket for them to wash their faces in[very important] the heated water buckets from TSC are real nice. Now we need pics.
If it get subzero you may have to keep an eye on them to make sure they are staying warm and dry. Dry is very important in their house.
My cracked egg baby is chirping at me!! I woke up to say bye to my mom and let the birds out. When I went to lay back down again, the dog was staring at my incubator. So I stopped and put my ear to it, and sure enough, shes in there chirping away. Hopefully her hatch will be easy and while I'm here, not in Charlotte this afternoon. I'm just so excited that I can hear her!

ETA: I went out to see if this ones bro/sis had hatched yet (Serama) and Cricket WASNT ON HER NEST!!! I grabbed the egg, it had pipped recently and wasn't cold yet so I slipped it into the incubator with the cracked egg. I brought Cricket inside too and she is having fits but every time she hears them chirp, she fluffs up, purrs, and sits down wherever she is. I'm just so confused. I hope she will take the babies and care for them like she should but if not, I guess Ill just have to brood them myself. I was hoping for mom raised babies so they would be better foragers and more hardy than brooder raised chicks. Oh well, she is a first time mom so maybe she is just confused about what to do and will settle down when the chicks completely hatch. For now, all I hear is Bok Bok Bagokgok... Chirp Chirp... Bok Bok Bagokgok :confused:
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LOL well how far away is polk county from cumberland? I've been looking for an excuse to get away from the house! and this thing still isn't letting me post pictures =( So my two babies are missing.....last I saw them was 6am-ish yesterday morning before it got nasty and rainy. I went to work and came home and couldn't find them anywhere.Then they never went to bed and couldn't see them anywhere. and nothing this morning =( Hopefully if it warms up they'll come out from wherever they are.
Hope you all had a great day!
Been cold here, hasn't gotten above 50 for two days
Farmers almanc is predicting snow by halloween for this area
I love fall & winter! My girls are laying like crazy, getting about 2-2 1/2 dozen eggs a day

My two new puppies are doing great with learning the chickens are Friends not Food
hoping they continue this way!
Just sold 25 16 week old roosters (bought as straight run, got totally ripped off
) to a gentlemen down the road. I offered them as free but he insisted on paying me 3$ a rooster. He said “its only fair, they'll feed my family, so take the money to feed yours or feed them pretty birds!” I love old southern gentlemen.
Got question for you call duck owners… I have 3 call ducks in a large open pen with a 3ft long x 1 1/2ft W rubbermaid container stuffed with straw. They also have one of those collapseable(sp?) baby pool, bout 2ft deep. For the winter should I give them a smaller pool or just a drinking dish? And will the rubbermaid be enough warmth or should I figure something else out? This is my first time wintering ducks.
May I just say I am SO jealous of you right now!! I have 11 females (not counting my 2 "adolescent" girls) and I am NOT getting a single egg!! I am SO JEALOUS!!

Not much going on here...trying to keep our duckies on our property and I think Donald is warming up to me, as he actually ate out of the feeding can that was in my hand...the girls still run from me. Trying to get pictures of the biddies so you all can help me sex them...I'm still saying 5/7 are boys (knowing my luck) I am 90% positive one of the solid buffs is female, other than that...I'm clueless. LOL I need to start pricing freezer chests so I can get ready to send all these boys to

I am resisting the URGE to turn the heat on!! Instead I just added the down comforter to the Sure wish our windows would get finished so they can be installed already!! DH is LOVING this cold weather!! He gets picked on because he never wears a jacket (he's from wisconsin) down here - claims it's never cold enough. I disagree, but I am a wuss!! LOL

Have a great day everyone.
LOL well how far away is polk county from cumberland? I've been looking for an excuse to get away from the house! and this thing still isn't letting me post pictures =(So my two babies are missing.....last I saw them was 6am-ish yesterday morning before it got nasty and rainy. I went to work and came home and couldn't find them anywhere.Then they never went to bed and couldn't see them anywhere. and nothing this morning =( Hopefully if it warms up they'll come out from wherever they are.
Polk is 9 counties east of cumberland, maybe around 4 hours one way :eek: :fl hope the two lil ones show up soon! Miss Lydia- the rubber does have a top but I think I'm gonna move them into the coop for winter. The chickens free range most the day, so the ducks would have the run all to themselves. And then I could put them up in the broody cage, so they don't get pooped on. NH- most my eggs are coming from the girls who just started laying last month.

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