North Carolina

Good Morning, Everyone! Late, as usual. My computer seems to be having issues this morning.

Taking it slow this morning, but will be heading out soon to clean out the brooding section of the chicken house. Need to get it done, but I don't like cold so wanted it up a couple degrees, anyway!

Haven't heard back from Ideal, so I'm guessing no chicks from them. Welp will ship on Wednesday; 58 chicks coming from them. that'll be a nice start.

I need to also put my orders in for good quality Orps. Gotta get on that one this weekend.

Chicks will be here within a week! Yay! It's awfully lonely around here without chickies!

Have a great day everyone!
Mt. Healthy is hatching year around now. I don't know how many chicks you want but I had some orps from them that were really good layers. Friendly too. gloria Jean
Mt. Healthy is hatching year around now. I don't know how many chicks you want but I had some orps from them that were really good layers. Friendly too. gloria Jean
I got my very first batch of chicks from them years ago. 100 buff Orpingtons! The last of that line was lost in this MG mess. Thanks for reminding me about them. I'll got see what layers they have these days. I'm wanting show quality BBS Orps this time around, rather than buffs. But I also want a bunch of pretty layers!

edited to add: I just went and looked. Everything I'm interested in right now is sold out for the year.
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there are sveral people associated with this board that sells prize winning lines. Hink jc, and Bama or is it Bamma oh well she is really nice and has beautiful orps. the first has beautiful blacks and golds the second blacks and blues I think. The latter , I think has english mixed ones I could be wrong on that though!. Old minds mix up things sometimes.
gloria Jean
Quote: Everything is from there pretty much sold out. They should start taking orders to fill early in the new year. I asked them to send me a catalog! I never did find my Partridge P Rocks, but was able to get most of my others elsewhere. I am so happy for you to be able to have your birds back (new ones)! It is truly a fresh start. They provide a smile for me at least once a day, and the thought of them not being there....

Helo from Gibsonville NC. We are in Guilford CO.
Roger, you did that just to make me drool more!
Shame on you! That's okay. I'll be picking up eggs from those beauties soon. And I want some from HenThymes, too. Two lines will be good for me for now, I think.

Hey BHep!!! I trust your incubating skills more than mine. Wanna help me out when I get my eggs?
Or have you shut down incubating? (Yeah. Figure the odds!)
there are sveral people associated with this board that sells prize winning lines. Hink jc, and Bama or is it Bamma oh well she is really nice and has beautiful orps. the first has beautiful blacks and golds the second blacks and blues I think. The latter , I think has english mixed ones I could be wrong on that though!. Old minds mix up things sometimes.
gloria Jean
I do want the English this time around. I had one young man from HenThymes breeding before this MG disaster, and he was something special. I'll be getting eggs soon from Rebel Yell, and hope to hear back from HenThymes. She doesn' t come around so often, so I don't know how long it'll be before she gets my pm. I'll be happy, happy, happy, then!

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