North to Alaska!

that's a little rich for my blood. Ill stick to the egg swap threads and see if I can pick up some for a jar of jam or salmon.
You mean cheap ....@ $4 a piece @ Alaska Feed< IF> you can find them or special order . Feed for 7 weeks $3.50a bird..... Dang ,though I was giving them away @ that price. I got a freezer full of smoked and filet Copper River Salmon myself ,Maybe I need to be on that thread,,,,,,,,,,,Peace
No need to get angry about it.
Angry,,,I am sorry I forgot to put a smiley face or those LOL. I did put Peace....Yes those birds are $4@ Alaska FEED (That is if you special order them) I have been feeding them for 7 weeks,,,that the $3.50 in feed.....That's why I said $75,,,,,I am not angry,,,,Why would you say that....? What part of my response seemed angry? This is one reason I have never been big on threads and blogging,,I mean unless you see my face how would one really know? Like i said i thought i was giving them away @ that price.I value my time and money. I have never sold any birds in Fairbanks maybe that is alittle steep for Fairbanks.It not like I can just run over to the next town county or state to get a better deal.If i stepped on your toes,,I apologize....Peace
Oh lol sorry for the miss understanding.
What I meant by "rich for my blood" was at I was a bit over zealous and spent all my chicken money for this month :(
eBay kinda cleaned me out. Especially with just getting incubators ::
And certainly didn't think your price was bad! It's just not in my range right now.

Oh and meant I would pick up eggs from a swap thread not chicks.
If you haven't gotten into the swap threads on here I highly recomend it! It's super fun! The people are really friendly ect. Great way to diversify and get all kinds of breeds on a budget.

I'm still interested in those black jap chicks you'll have for sale later! I think I sent you a pm.

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