NORTHERN California!

So strange that Sacramento does not allow chickens...many years ago when my family lived there (pre-1950s), it was ALL farmland and everyone had chickens! My mom fondly remembers her nemesis, "Miss Meany," who used to run and peck her feet when she had to feed the family chickens. As a result, my mom barely tolerates my chickens at my house--she's always saying how much she "hates" them but I think she actual likes them!

In any case, we are in the SF area, very close to Stanford University and we are allowed 50 chickens per half acre. No roosters.
I'm in Penn Valley, about an hour from Sacramento! It's a very chicken-friendly area here.

(Well, for the most part. At one point our neighbors were jerks and complained about the coop and we had to move it across the property, which cost a good $500+. But those are our individual neighbors, not the area as a whole...)

It's nice to see all the people in Northern California! I wish I could come and visit all your flocks. I love seeing different chickens and talking poultry with people.

That's really too bad about Sacramento's chicken laws, by the way.
I've had some of my birds for more than ten years, too--but I think you should be able to find homes for them if you need to instead of releasing them in a park where they'd be sure to be killed. Depending on the circumstances, I could maybe take a few hens and I'm sure other members would be willing to take some in if needed.
anyone here of show girl or silkie eggs i am looking for some to hatch, if so please shoot me a pm on here or post in here i am locate din hayward california and san lorenzo ca thanks so much
Are there ever chicken swaps or other chicken events in the area (Sacramento or surrounding areas)? I would love to go to one, but it seems like all of them are way off in other states... I don't mind driving an hour or an hour and a half!
I am in nothern California!!!
not to far from folsom!!!

In Placerville, in the summer the is a fair that there are chickens at...
Hi all i'm in Napa Calif . And looking to buy some Deaware Chicken eggs or the chickens, anybody have any ? Or idea who does. Thanks have a good Holliday
We are in Hollister, just south of San Jose. My girls got into chickens because it is the only thing they could show in 4-H due to their age. We started out with Brahmas, Orpington and d'uccles. This year I started my own little collection of Black Cochins and Frizzles. Great layers, great personality and fun for the kids. Live in the county so we do not really have a problem, except for the occassional neighbor who complains about our rooster waking him up.
Hello neighbors...I am in Kelsey, a quick blink between Placerville and Georgetown. I am new to chickens since March and I'm learning alot. I still have a couple of Blue Andalusians not laying yet but the leghorns and wyandottes are
So of the 9 I have I get around 5-6 eggs a day. Keeps hubby and me fed.
Question: I have 5 1/2 beautiful open acres and I would like to let them out to free range during the day but I'm afraid they won't come home before dark and they would surely be dinner for a critter...I already lost a couple of chicks to a racoon before I knew my brooder wasn't safe enough. And one morning I woke up to a fox running circles around the pen
Do the critters around here hunt during the day? I thought about letting them out for a hour or so before dusk and watching them???? I read here about how much they love the bugs and stuff and I'm sure there's plenty under the pine canopies. But don't want to risk losing them.
Any ideas? Thanks

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