Not a Chicken... But a Goose?


Aug 5, 2023
Went into my local TSC today and they had these(geese) and a bunch of other unique finds.

They were sold as assorted breeds, they look like pekin ducks to me and as such I think they may turn into those white Chinese geese... but I have never raised any geese. So any guesses or matter of facts on which breed geese they are?
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It looks like a goose. Chinese geese generally have an upright carriage, different from other geese. It could also be a Roman goose or an Embden goose. These three are the most popular breeds of white geese by far, so it's likely it is one of the three.
Thanks! They looked like the Chinese kind to me... I found this image online and these are the white Chinese geese chicks
(these are not mine, just what I found after googling) and yes I am sure it could easily swing to be one of those other breeds (didn't know they existed until now) Thanks!
I tried to google this... I am unsure what a carriage is. I assume like a vehicle it would be the body maybe? idk
It means how the animal carries itself. Hens, for example, have a horizontal carriage, while roosters are more upright. Chinese geese apparently carry themselves more vertical, so their heads would be up rather than looking at the ground. They stand tall.
Yes, it means the breast is carried high up, and the keel bone is carried at a sharper angle than other geese. Most geese carry their bodies in a more horizontal position. I'll post a picture.

It means how the animal carries itself. Hens, for example, have a horizontal carriage, while roosters are more upright. Chinese geese apparently carry themselves more vertical, so their heads would be up rather than looking at the ground. They stand tall.
Thanks! will it become more pronounced as they gets older? They seem to be content to stretch as high as they can and try to look out the bars. (My brooder has a solid 5-6 inches on the bottom and turns into bars) but not really sure if thats because they stand up normal... atm their stance is a lot like a pekin duck.
Thanks! will it become more pronounced as they gets older? They seem to be content to stretch as high as they can and try to look out the bars. (My brooder has a solid 5-6 inches on the bottom and turns into bars) but not really sure if thats because they stand up normal... atm their stance is a lot like a pekin duck.
Yes, it should if they're good quality. Chinese geese also grow those knobs on their foreheads, so that is another good sign, but that won't develop until later. With geese it often takes patience to know what you've got. It is also difficult to tell gender with them. For those that need that information, I recommend sending in feather samples to a lab, and they can tell you the gender after some tests. It costs money but isn't unreasonable. But have to wait for the feathers to grow in if that is what you choose to do.

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