NOT a good way to wake up at 5:00 in the morning ):


10 Years
Jul 23, 2009
North Carolina
Woke up at 5 am hearing chicken screams...went outside to find one of my EE hens on top of the chicken coop. A few other hens were outside running around. I went into the coop to check things out.

(This raccoon wasn't much smaller than a dog). A few of the hens had some feathers plucked. I'm thinking the raccoon tried to grab several. Two of my roosters ( RIR and American Game) had teamed up and were both sitting in front of the raccoon with their feathers fluffed up. The other roosters were outside guarding the hens that had escaped. I couldn't find my gun so I grabbed what was near me ( a rake) and threw it at him.
He ran off but will probably be back....
Just thought I would share my crazy morning with you all. =/
Yep,unfortunatly I have some work to do. I thought the coop were perfect until this happened...thanks to the roosters he didn't have time to take anybody.
One of our guineas is missing so he may have taken a guinea a few nights ago.
I found where it got in, so I'm going to work on that today. All of the chickens are in shock...still. Poor things.
And I'm blessed with the good boys I have. The RIR rooster follows me around from the second I go outside. He stays on my heel..I kind of makes me nervous but I guess he is trying to protect me. I don't know.
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This is why I never want to be without a rooster. Good boys you have! You need to close them in every night, though. If you don't, there will be other bad mornings for you, I fear. My coop is coon-proof. The only thing that could get in at night would be a human or a bear.
Ditto----My compliments to your boys!!!!
I know...its crazy what they will do to save a hen. The hens are fine, but the roosters are all in shock. I don't know what they were doing this morning with that raccoon, but they look pretty worn out. One has feathers plucked from around his neck.

I'm in the process of fixing my coop right now... Sometimes I will get a buzz on my phone letting me know I have a reply LOL
Put live traps around the coop and eradicate the little jerks. its been an endless killing spree on my farm far as predators go havent lost any chickens in a few days thank God I think I got it down to one trash digging skunk. and once I finally get himthat would be 14 predators eradicated in 2 weeks

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