Not a great start to my kidding season. Pics of new babies!


12 Years
Sep 4, 2007
So I have three does due anytime (they are on day 146 today). I go out and start a head count, don't see Dixie right off (not unusual, their hay is on the other side), then she steps around her big belly gone. I rush to the other side I look over the door only to see 3 dead kids, my heart sank, until I saw one lone survivor in the corner. I sure wasn't expecting quads out of her. I am very happy to have one atleast, but still can't believe I wasn't there to save the others. I do think they were born alive, and one or two may have even gotten up and nursed (one definately didn't). And to top it all off, they were all does!!

Anyway, here are pics of the survivor, I hope the others go soon, it's going to be hard not getting attached to this one.


One of her ears is abit mangled, don't know if the doe bit her or what.
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I noticed that about the ear. Do you have horses in with them? Once in a while mine seem to like to take a bite of the babies....not this year though, finally got the separated! (yeah!) Too bad about the other 3. Maybe this is the year for quads. My neighbor has had two sets of them already and one set of triplets! Twins are fine with me, more than that and I have to help too much. Terri O in WI
No horses, just goats. Of my other two does that are due, one always has twins (3 times), and that's what I'm expecting this time to. The other doe had trips last year, and I wouldn't be suprised to get them this year. This doe had twins last year (FF), I thought maybe trips this year, but wasn't expecting quads.
darn! so sorry about the others! Wow, Quads!

But that is one cute little baby you have!
Nigerian Dwarf. I do think her ear will heal, and probably won't even be able to tell it had been hurt. I sure hated losing the others, but I am happy to atleast have this one to enjoy! She is pretty cute!

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