Not an Emergency...Marek's in the Flock

Even day old chicks, even if they have not come in contact with your other birds, have come in contact with have been exposed to the dander of your other birds, which could be carrying the virus. In general, if you have had Marek's at your place, it is not ethical to sell anything to anyone or you risk sending them the disease. Sorry
X2. I am pretty sure that this new strain of Marek's that I'm seeing in my birds came from the feed store I go to. They buy and sell all sorts of diseased birds and practice NO bio-security! Worker touches bird then loads my grain. Next thing you know, I have over 20 birds with it. Live and learn. With my luck, I'll be the first to have peafowl with Marek's.
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what if I washed the hatching eggs?

There's also the packing materials, box they're packed in, tape, the label you put on the box, your hands when they touch the box to bring it to your car, not to mention your shoes, clothes, purse, etc. contaminating your car which then comes in contact with the box, which then is received by the buyer. The only way to do it would be to store your packing materials somewhere else, to dip the eggs in Oxine (which, some would argue counts as washing the eggs, which greatly decreases hatchability), then you would have to transport them to the location where you would pack them in something that has been completely decontaminated, and then there is always the inside of the car which would probably be nearly impossible to keep sterile. You get my drift. A massive undertaking, at best.
There's also the packing materials, box they're packed in, tape, the label you put on the box, your hands when they touch the box to bring it to your car, not to mention your shoes, clothes, purse, etc. contaminating your car which then comes in contact with the box, which then is received by the buyer. The only way to do it would be to store your packing materials somewhere else, to dip the eggs in Oxine (which, some would argue counts as washing the eggs, which greatly decreases hatchability), then you would have to transport them to the location where you would pack them in something that has been completely decontaminated, and then there is always the inside of the car which would probably be nearly impossible to keep sterile. You get my drift. A massive undertaking, at best.
I'm thinking CDC type of bio-security, lol. I know it's not funny, but I just don't think the average person could do it.
I'm thinking CDC type of bio-security, lol. I know it's not funny, but I just don't think the average person could do it.

I agree. I only know so much about it because I had a Marek's scare and realized I would have to completely shut down my plans. Luckily it turned out not to be Marek's, but there it nothing more devastating than finding out you have it, your birds are dying, AND your plans are ruined. I feel for those going through it and just wish everyone were as careful as they should be to prevent others from going through that nightmare.
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I agree. I only know so much about it because I had a Marek's scare and realized I would have to completely shut down my plans. Luckily it turned out not to be Marek's, but there it nothing more devastating than finding out you have it, your birds are dying, AND your plans are ruined. I feel for those going through it and just hope everyone were as careful as they should be.
I have Marek's *and* Blackhead!
I would love to raise some meat turkeys to sell, but can't since the only drug that treats it is banned for use in food animals.
Ugh, please forgive my poor grammar! Didn't proofread that one carefully enough.

Sorry to hear that, I don't know anything about Blackhead. Maybe you could go with ducks??
what about day old chicks, who have had NO contact with the other birds? Thank you for you warnings, and concern. I'm trying my best! I have some fairly rare breeds in my flock, and would like to make money on something I enjoy so much.
Wouldn't we all? This is what I've been trying to tell you....ain't gonna happen. Not now. You have Marek's. Not just the, your house, your land. You cannot undo Marek's unless you take the actions already told to you. Would you really want to sell something that is going to kill someone elses birds? Can you do that with a clear conscience? You really have to have nothing saleable. You want to sell birds...cull and start cleaning. Order the oxine and you should have the building ready by June. The ground is going to take longer if you can't work it now. Your own house will have to be steamed...floors, anywhere eggs have been, barn clothes washed repeatedly and boots bleached at least, changed out completely even better after all of the cleaning is done.

I am sorry I sound harsh, but this is reality. If you continue as you want, you become part of the problem and you will kill someone elses beloved birds. Please think about this, very carefully.

I forgot to add want to raise chicks for sale, right? Do you have the facilities to incubate them in a 'clean house'? I'm talking almost white suit, and extreme biosecurity. A long ways off from the birds you currently have and no casual comings and goings. Are you willing to purchase the Marek's vaccine and give it yourself? Are you willing to sacrifice a bird periodically for necropsy, to see if Marek's has gotten to these chicks? This is now your life, you can't visit this on someone else.
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