Not enough poop?


11 Years
May 3, 2011
Eastern Massachusetts
My 4 Black Stars used to deposit quite a bit of - effluent - during the nights. This past week there seems to be very little under their roosting bar, and not much on the ground outside. They are still laying but not quite as regularly, and the eggs seem smaller. Could they have a dietary deficiency and be eating the stuff? The hay on the bottom of the night coop doesn't look dirty. I love my goofy girls and if they have a problem I need to know!

Welcome to BYC. I love Black Stars. If I had to start all over, I'd only have Black Stars and Barred Rocks.
If they are eating and drinking normally, acting like a chicken should ie... scratching, pecking, dust bathing etc...everything is ok. Eggs fluctuate in size from time to time and that is normal. Ensure they have plenty of layer feed, freshwater, crushed oyster shell (free choice) and everything will be fine.

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