not fair!!-just need to vent

yes i know the groceries dont jsut appear i help pay for them and often but i eman it doesnt cost much extra to care for the tortiose since wekeep fresh fruits and vegtbles in the house anyways.

im trying to save money which is why i keep it hidden from my mom and dont let her know where it is unless we need somthing.

i tried taking classes along with my bf to work at a home for the mentally handicapped but the job includudes helping people to the bathroom dealing with violent people and medications ect it was too much stress (i am BI-polar and just recently was diagnosed so have been trying to find a drug combo that works) want to go to collage to be a dog trainer/behaviorlist but i know that that would not be a very good living in the area i live as people donth ave the money to pay for it so then i thought about going for small bussiness and opening up a pet supplies store but am having trouble getting grants since i have no credit i cant take out a loan and i cant get credit unless i take out al oan and i cant take out a loan untill i have an actual job (they dont count my babysitting or odd jobs since im being paid cash) so i cant go to collage untill i get a better job. i tried taking a mixoligy coarse to get a job in a bar as a bartender but unfortuantly they cut the class since there were not enough people signed up. my bf bought the rosetta stone to elarn to speak chinese i have been barrowing it from him so that maybe i could learn and become a translator for the collages difficult but im trying.

i know alot of people are looking at me like im a horrable person right now thinking about getting pets when i live with my mom but all i can say is i have a boyfreind whom i see twice a week and no sociel life as in i have no freinds not a girlfreind i can call up to go out and do things with not a person i chat with online not a family member i talk to or joke around with NO ONE not even someone i run into in town once in a while to chat with for five minutes and as far as my bf and me he is embarressed to have me around his freinds so when we spend time together its jsut the two of us watching movies he doesnt like to "Talk" or so he says so we dont. im home 24/7 pretty much i clean the hosue,i shovel the snow all winter,i cook all meals since my sister refuses,i do luadry since im in the basement anyways, i put my nephew to sleep at night and get him ready when he has to goes to his dads. without my pets i would go insane my pets have kept me from harming myself they give me a reason.
i keep my nephew safe and clean our house sint dirty other then my sisters room and the incedent with the dog but after my mom cleaned it up iwent up stairs and scrubbed the floors with bleach water untill my hands were sore why do i do it? becuase i have nothing else
First thing to do is dump the butt-hole boyfriend thats using you... and get you some self-respect...
Your boyfriend is embarrassed to be seen with you? He has to go! That's completely unacceptable! Open a bank account, and keep it to yourself. Make it your lifes work to get out of there.
Forgive me Terrie, but I have to say it -

Stop mooching and grow up. You are still living off your parents. You need to be weaned in a big way.
Surely someone can direct you in how to become an independent adult instead of one half of a pair of sniveling grade schoolers.

And I say that with love.
Kids need a boot in the butt sometimes.

Oh yeah, and quit worrying about your sister. You are enabling her to continue her abusive, using ways. I KNOW it's hard to ignore the miserable "pets" - but she is counting on you to take care of them. Walk away. (then go cry somewhere private) Right after you call CPS or Animal Control on her.
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I thought that was hilarious...I'm sorry, but yes, I agree with everyone...Get rid of the bf, get a bank account, and start working towards making it YOUR life.
I am not one to talk either (21 and live with my parents) BUT I also go to school full time, work 2 jobs as well as a few side jobs, AND care for my farm. I am working on saving money so I CAN move out around the time I am done with school.
In your spare time, take a class in proper punctuation...I congratulate those, who are willing to sit and read through those run-on posts...It makes my eyes and head hurt, so, needless to say, I didn't read your story.
Dump the boyfriend, get yourself out of that home as soon as possible, call the authorities for that poor boy and yes Royd has a point there. It's hard to read and I thought BREATHE, BREATHE! LOL!

There are homes for kids like yourself and even you may either have to give up your pets or have a friend to "rent" room and board for your animals. Finding a house out in the country is not easy and it is expensive. For what you are making, you will not survive on that too much longer.
You might consider getting some skills that allow you to get a job capable of supporting your needs. I will be blunt here... boyfriend that does not care enough for you to help or God forbid commit to some level of acknowledgement is a bum and you should give him the boot it wont get better. There are a lot of opportunities out there and you are young. "Now go and do the right thing"

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