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Yes that's right. I did. I forgot it was called Highland. Yes, we got them from her and I'm keeping the majority. We've already gotten 7 eggs from the Mama.
To each there own, but it's not something I would do. You also don't mention you just got them, so you don't even know if they are healthy.
Yes, they're healthy.

Like I said, I gave away five roosters and a few hens and some got dropped off at Destiny Farms as did the rest of the ones she had. I am the one that told Destiny Farms to come pick them up from her. Now, they may turn around and sell them...I don't see a problem with that. The guy that came and got my roosters/hens kept some, he may sell them...I don't know, it's not my business after that. Now her chickens are on a farm as are mine and its the discretion of the new owners to do with it what they want. She said we could keep them, eat them or do what we wanted with them...that's what she said. So, I'm keeping 6 from her and one of mine...I don't see a problem with that.
Excuse me but you don't know what you're talking about! I took 9 from her and I'm keeping 6. You missed out because you missed out. Not because of me. I feel attacked over my own personal choice. I made that decison and it's no differently than if I had've sold my other ones...I got them for a $ it wrong to sell them if I got them for a $1?
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You haven't had them long enough to know they are healthy. If you don't understand that you need to quarantine new birds, I certainly wouldn't want to risk my flocks heath with them.
Thats it. I tried selling them and now I have a bunch of people saying all kinds of things...Forget it...and that'll be the last time I try to sell anything or pickup free chickens or buy any from anyone on here. That's nerve to tell me what to do with my chickens...that would be like me going to that guy and telling him not to eat them or sell them or breed them...THEY'RE NOT FOR SALE. I'm getting very upset about this.
If you've started the birds that you sell, no that's fine. When you get something for free and turn around a week later and try to sell it, that's different. These are animals, not objects.
If you've started the birds that you sell, no that's fine. When you get something for free and turn around a week later and try to sell it, that's different. These are animals, not objects.

They are animals, but they are now her animals. I spose if she decided to sell them, that is her business. No one has to buy them from her if they don't want to.
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