not moving in egg...are they dead?


10 Years
Jul 23, 2009
North Carolina
My guinea eggs are supposed to be hatching next week..Im locking down the incubator Monday. I just candled them and they look great, but they are not moving at all. Does this mean they are dead?
well to tell you the truth i hatched out 2 and i never could see them the egg was so dark...i always let my eggs be and i let them stay about 3 days over the hatch date and then see if they will hatch and when its close to the day or the day they should hatch you can kinda peck on the egg and if they peep they will be hatching before much longer... but i wish you luck on your guineas they are hard hard hard to raise i hatched out 2 they were perfect and were eating and everything and all of a sudden they i wish you luck
Thanks. I have 6 other guineas. To me, guineas are very hardy when It comes to weather but not when it comes to predators and sickness.

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