Not sure if you have a boy or girl duck? Come to this Thread!

The Duck Ladie

Duck Addict
9 Years
Feb 23, 2016
Hello everyone, hope you are all doing great! A lot of people here ask what gender their duck/s are? If you are one of those people post in this thread and put a picture of your duck, about the age of the duck, and the breed of the duck if you know it.
-The Duck Ladie
Here's a couple videos of my runners! My girls are all grey and brown, and my drakes are both black with green heads, so they're easy to spot at a glance.

Here's a few of my girls (smooth tails, clear quacks) and then one of my drakes (curly tail, raspy quack). They're 3 months old here; if I remember correctly, the boys got their curly tails right around 2 months old.

In this one, you can really hear the boys' quacks at the beginning
Hello everyone, hope you are all doing great! A lot of people here ask what gender their duck/s are? If you are one of those people post in this thread and put a picture of your duck, about the age of the duck, and the breed of the duck if you know it. 
                                                       -The Duck Ladie

Great idea for a thread!

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