Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or A Cockerel? Click Here!

Are any of the males barred? I assume the Orp and Marans are not. If none of them are then the barred chick is a cockerel. Any non-barred, non-white male over a barred female results in black sex links.

The next chick is too young to sex. What color egg did it hatch from? Does she have true Ameraucanas or the hatchery version (which are Easter Eggers)?

Thanks for your help! The second chick hatched from a green egg- not a clue on the true Ameracauna question. The egg color means that the mother was an Ameracauna though, correct?
Green eggs mean an Easter Egger. True Ameraucanas only lay blue eggs and only come in certain color varieties. EEs can be any color or pattern, and lay blue, green brown or even pinkish eggs. If one parent was a true Ameraucana then this chick would lay green eggs if it is a pullet. Since one or both parents are EEs you will have to wait and see if it will lay eggs, and what color. Though it does have a pea comb so there is a good chance it will be a blue or green layer if it is female. The pea comb and blue egg gene are closely linked.
Hi, any idea what I have here please? Girl/boy? What age do you think? What breed is it? Thank you for any help xx
Hi! Little ones are about 5 1/2 weeks old. Any guesses?

Black copper marans

Splash Andalusion

Blue Laced Red Wyandotte

Gold Laced Wyandotte

Thanks for looking!
My mom-in-law hatched them about three weeks ago, but we are not sure what breeds they are or their sex. The flock that the eggs came from included the following breeds: Hens: Ameracauna, Barred Rock, Austrolorp, Silkie, Silver Laced Wyandotte, Crested Polish, Buff Orpington Roosters: Buff Orpington, Ameracauna, Silkie, Frizzle, Copper Maran Here are my two babies: Barred Rock with what? Male or Female? Ameracauna with what? Male or Female? Thanks all!
Sorry, We don't do breeds but for now they are both looking like pullets :)

These are my buff orpingtons from TSC. They were in the straight run bin. They are (supposedly!!) 12-13 days old today. These pics are from today. What do you think? Roos or pullets? I know it's way too early to know for sure, but I'm dying to know if I managed to get any pullets at all! Thanks! :)

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