Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or A Cockerel? Click Here!




He/She was sold to us as a Buff Orpington, but we've recently learned that's not the case. So I'm not sure what it is, but it's 5/6 weeks old and has a much more pronounced comb than the others in its batch. Thanks!

It's a cockerel but I'm not sure what breed
Sorry. My phone submitted before I finished.
We bought three buffs from a local feed store. They are supposed to be pullets (90%). They are four weeks old today. I am suspicious of the one in the middle (top photo). It doesn't act any different than the other two. To me, these are the first chickens I've had, they all look the same other than the more red comb. Please, tell me she is just a little more developed because I can't have a rooster in the city. :( At least my other three are sex links...

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